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I don’t like Ethiopian food. There, I said it. Are you happy now?
I didn’t realize that this opinion would make people question my sanity and ask me what’s wrong with me…
And, just to be clear, I’ve tried it at two different restaurants where I live and it’s just not for me. So can we please just move on?
What’s your most controversial food opinion?
AskReddit users replied.
1. I don’t know about that…
“You can eat anything at any time.
Have a three-course pasta-based feast for breakfast. Do it. I dare you.
Everyone I knows says you can’t do that because it’s not “breakfast food” and whatnot.
2. Not feeling it.
“I don’t like chocolate chip pancakes.
I want to; the description appeals to me. I love pancakes, even with a variety of toppings; and I love chocolate, including chocolate chip cookies.
But for some reason, chocolate chip pancakes just don’t work for me.
I think part of it is the texture, even though texture doesn’t usually put me off. The chocolate ends up melty, but in a sort of chalky way. And the way it sort of blends into the pancake… And then for some odd reason, those two flavors together just aren’t enjoyable for me.
Yeah, I just don’t like it.”
3. Keep it away from me.
“I don’t like soda.
Or more specifically carbonated drinks.
It’s a sensory thing and drinks like that actually make me feel pain.”
4. Salt overload.
“MSG is awesome.
I put it in a salt shaker 50/50 with table salt and use it in everything that calls for salt.
Pure umami is game changing.”
5. Make it simple.
“The best way to know if a pizza joint is good, is by ordering a plain cheese pizza.
Sometime the extra toppings overpower the taste of the pizza.”
6. Really?
“Canned fish is awesome!
Not just sardines and anchovies but you can get all kinds of fish in cans, even stuff like clams and even squid! And if you prefer food without too many additives or processing, look at the back of the can, it typically says something like “ingredients: fish, salt, some sort of oil (veg or sunflower or something) and with some, the processing is so minimal the fish is just cooked in the can after sealing during the pasteurization process.
Try kipper snacks, they kinda have a smokey bacon taste. Fantastic treat/snack.”
7. I want to know why.
“I ask most people i know what their favorite flavor of starburst candy is and they get absolutely disgusted when I say my favorite is Orange.
8. Can’t do it.
“I’m one of those guys who h**es cilantro. I h**e it, because street tacos are so great and I get s**t all the time about not getting it.
Pico de gallo? Looks amazing! Still, not into it. Just hope those scientists up in Washington get to curing me.”
9. I think it’s gross.
“Pineapple on pizza is fine.
I don’t like it myself but I’m not going to roast someone who enjoys it.
I’m not on this earth to gatekeep pizza toppings, as some apparently are.”
10. Green slime.
“Avocado is overrated.
Yeah, it’s good, but I know so many people that will pay $20 for 2 pieces of toast with green slime on it.”
11. Hot takes.
“I like rectangle sandwiches, not triangles.
Also Lucky Charms are overrated.
Gimme a Honey Bunches of Oats any day.”
12. If you say so…
“Chipotle mayo on sweet potato fries is a game changer.
It’s the only kind of fries that I will intentionally order that don’t come as a free side.”
13. Battle of the cheeses.
“American cheese slices ruin whatever you put them on.
I cannot stand that every burger place uses it.
Jack is a far superior burger cheese, in my opinion.”
Do you have any controversial food opinions?
If so, share them with us in the comments.
Thanks a lot!