When I lived in my last apartment, I never really got to know my neighbors.
But I definitely got to HEAR one of them plenty.
I was awoken on many a night by their amorous encounters, and used to imagine taping a note to the front door suggesting that if she was THAT loud she must be faking.
Living in such close proximity does invite an interesting brand of conflict and awkwardness.
Recently, people shared their most uncomfortable interactions with their neighbors.
Some were hilarious, and a surprising number of them centered around intimate activities.
1. I guess I could have gone this route
I think I DID resort to this in college.

Image credit: Whisper
2. Good way to meet for the first time
And then be like “Sorry… (yawn) Late night… 😏”

Image credit: Whisper
3. No one likes a lookie-loo
But husbands most especially. Unless they’re into that.

Image credit: Whisper
4. When a one-night stand turns into a casual hello

Image credit: Whisper
5. Whelp! That’s a story EVERYONE will be telling for years
Imagine if they’d called the police!

Image credit: Whisper
6. This is when you know it’s time to live ANYWHERE else
Get out while you can.

Image credit: Whisper
7. This invites so many questions
Was he naked with the door open? Why did you go in without knocking first?

mage credit: Whisper
8. When they have sweet intentions…
But they just can’t take a hint.

mage credit: Whisper
9. Maybe they won’t bring it up…
Maybe they’re not into you either?

Image credit: Whisper
10. If only they had left the note before moving
This was not me, by the way.

mage credit: Whisper
So. Much. Awkward. Seriously, people can be pretty inconsiderate, but also, as a species we’re not very good at communication.
Did you ever have an uncomfortable encounter with a neighbor? Share your story in the comments.