
Posts by Ashley Ashbee

12 Before and After Photos That Will Inspire You

Seeing things in a new way is really interesting. What I find even more fascinating is when I see something I hadn’t even pictured in my mind before, whether it inspires me or makes me curious about a subject or makes me empathize with someone about their experience. Here are 12 before and after pictures...

12 Marriage Memes All Married People Will Understand

I’m not married, but by all accounts marriage is not exactly a walk in the park. Married people may use humor to manage the difficult or dull aspects of their relationship. Hey, whatever gets you through it, right? Here are 12 marriage memes that are so hilariously relatable it hurts. 1. Kid-friendly insults Giving someone...

13 Pilots Reveal What They Wish They Could Tell Passengers

We know that being a pilot is not easy and it comes with a ton of pressure to keep everyone on board safe and comfortable. I’ve been on enough plane rides to know that the seatbelt sign is on for a reason. I’ve found turbulence can pretty uncomfortable and usually a few passengers voice their...

This Person Wants to Know if Their Joke About Only Eating Apples Went Too Far

Apples are my favorite fruit and I like the idea of making a joke about it, but I would never pull the kind of prank I’m about to tell you about. Judging by the comments, a lot of other people are also not fans of what this person did to their friends, but a lot...

Does Anyone Buy These 18 Fake Moments in the Movies?

I love movies, but I find myself rolling my eyes at least a few times when I’m watching anything that was made in Hollywood. A lot of the plot points are absurdly unrealistic. Despite being so hard to believe and physically impossible, a lot of these incorrect cliches appear over and over again in the...

A Giant Ice Cube Shows Us How Severely the Earth is Losing Ice

If the magnitude of climate change is hard for you to imagine, picture a giant ice cube, to scale, sitting next to an image of New York City. A startling image, right? To get a sense of how big that is, imagine this ice cube is a 6-mile block. This analogy represents the amount of...

People are Loving This Floor Routine by UCLA Gymnast Nia Dennis

I have to admit… I find gymnastics immensely impressive and absolutely terrifying. These people are literally putting their body on the line to fly through the air at breakneck speeds to show just how far the human body’s limits can be pushed. Still, with all of that danger and craziness, gymnastics sometimes can seem a...