
Posts by Noah Berman

27 Parents Share the Most Terrible Thing They Ever Discovered About Their Kids

I’m going to give you 1 guess what most of these AskReddit stories are about. Did you guess the naughty side of the internet? NAILED IT (lol). Lessons to take away from this: clear your browser history. Also, learn to use private browsing. We’ve all got weird personal stuff, so let’s just agree that for the successful...

15 Times the Police Were Genuinely Impressed by Criminal Genius

Crime is bad, we all know that. We’ve known it since we were little because everyone told us that. But, every once in a while, a crime can be so immaculately planned and executed that it’s just straight up impressive. I mean, when career criminals – who everyone knows are doing it – still manage...

14 Criminals So Ingenious That Even the Police Were Impressed

Everyone loves a good heist movie – we all know that robbing casinos is bad, but that doesn’t stop us from rooting for George Clooney in Ocean’s Eleven. When the criminal masterminds are smart enough, it isn’t all that hard to get people on their side. And when real life criminals are as ingenious as in the...

23 Times Strangers Said Outrageously Hurtful Things for No Reason At All

When we’re among friends, we sometimes say mean things about other people. Maybe about people we know well, or sometimes about people we just see walking down the street. Everyone does it – we talk a little shit. And that’s not good, but most of the time it’s not real, right? Shit talk is just that:...

15 SOs Who Kept Major Secrets – Until After the Wedding

They say that relationships are built on trust. Now, I can understand not telling your spouse every single thing about yourself because A. who has time for that? and B. sometimes things just don’t come up, you know? And those excuses are totally valid for some of these 15 stories we found on AskReddit threads. Sometimes, though,...

8 Psychologists Tell Us About Their Most Petrifying Patients

I usually like to put a little relatable anecdote at the beginning of these articles, but, man, I got nothing for this one. I’ve met some weird people, and plenty of people who made me feel uncomfortable, but I’ve never had to interact with anyone for an extended period of time who made me feel...

These 29 People Share Stories About Why They Broke The Law

I may (or may not, ahem) have done some illegal stuff in my day, but whatever I did or did not do was mainly stupid kid stuff, never anything to hurt or help anyone else. I mean, I do help people, but I just do it the traditional way, within the law. Not all people...

19 Unforgettable Interactions That the Other Person Probably Forgot

We’ve all got those moments, either good or bad, that we will remember forever. It can be totally weird thinking to yourself about the most significant moments from your past, wondering if the other people who were there even remember them at all. Sometimes I think about people that I met ages ago and wonder...

19 True Stories of Slow-Burning Karma That Turned out to Be a Total B****

I really don’t have any revenge stories like these. It feels weirdly rude to admit it, but I grew up around people who were mostly nice to me, and I think I was mostly nice to them in return. That does not all seem to have been the case for these 19 AskReddit users who shared these stories of...

13 People Share Their Stories Of Miraculously Cheating Death

I have actually had a near death experience similar to these 13 Quora users, and I thought I might as well add it to the mix – one time, I was in the car with my mom, going to pick up my dad from Logan Airport in Boston. We were going through a tunnel when all of...

22 True Stories About Awful Co-workers You’d Totally Want to Strangle

I’ve been very lucky that I’ve never had to work with anyone particularly terrible (lurv ya dyk!), but I have gotten some crazy jobs off of Craigslist before. The Craigslist job market is a very weird place, and, if you get into it, you will find yourself doing very weird things for money. Like I said...

20 Horribly Awkward Sex-Ed Stories That Prove Just How Much We Need Sex-Ed

Sex education is, for some reason, kind of controversial in America. The problem is that, regarding sex, what people don’t know can definitely hurt them. All I can say is, these 20 awkward sex-ed stories from AskReddit are proof positive that we Americans need all the sex-ed we can get. Cause we don’t know shit. 1. “Dribble” “A girl...

12 True Stories of the Most Horrible Things People Saw in Prison

Ever since I watched Oz on HBO, I’ve been fascinated by prisons. And even though I’m pretty sure that Oz is not an accurate representation of what it’s really like to go through the penal system–I’ve never been, so what do I know? Well these 12 redditors actually have been, and they took to AskReddit to share the worst things...

17 People Share Their Most Selfless Good Deeds

I read through a lot of these types of lists, and, I have to say, this one really did inspire an upwelling of emotion that, frankly, I wasn’t entirely prepared for. People are good! And these 17 people, with their amazing stories of selfless and thankless giving, are some of the best: 1.  Kidney “My ma...

25 Creepy, Real-Life Coincidences That’ll Give You Chills

We’ve all had experienced odd coincidences in our lives: one time in middle school, I submitted the correct answer to an online raffle that, if I won, would let me skip a class – except I didn’t know I needed to be there, and so I missed it anyway. I didn’t find out that I had...