
Posts by Trisha Leigh Zeigenhorn

Here’s The Reason Ice Cube Trays Have Flat Spots

It’s a sad fact of life that not everything we use in our lives comes with an instruction manual. That said, we live in the time of the internet, which means that if we don’t know the best way to use something, there’s a good chance there’s someone out there who does. TikTok, especially, loves...

A Simple Way To Remove Brown Spots From Your Skin

One of the cruel truth about life is that we’re all going to age. With aging comes some physical changes that not everyone loves – and some that are considered unhealthy for you, too. We all should try to take care of our skin while we’re young. Wear that sunscreen, invest in cute hats, and...

This Woman Left Her Husband At The Hospital After He Asked For His Mother First

Most people who have given marriage (or other long-term relationships) a try probably come into these types of posts trying not to judge up front. It’s tough, there’s almost always more than one side to the story, and you know. Emotions are hard to control sometimes. That said, this post really just rubbed most of...

Should Anyone Join The Military Because Of A Family Tradition?

It’s easy enough to say that no one should do anything they don’t want to do, but when you’ve grown up knowing that a tradition lasting generations comes down to you, saying no is harder than it might seem. In this family, the eldest child has always joined – and excelled in – the military....

People Who Are A Breath Away From Quitting Their Jobs And Aren’t Afraid To Tweet About It

At one time or another, most of us have or will work a job we absolutely hate. In an ideal world, that wouldn’t be the case. We could quit as soon as we realized it was sucking our soul and go on to find something better – but in reality, that takes financial security that...

What Is The Drawer Under Your Oven Actually For?

If you’re like me, you probably love fun little facts – that’s why we’re all here, after all! As a matter of fact, I love sharing them with others almost as much as I love learning them myself. I’ve always assumed the drawer under my oven was there for pots and pans, maybe lids, possibly...

Is It OK To Ask A Family Member To Give Up A Passion To Help Watch Your Kids?

As someone who has chosen to have kids, I suspected just reading this headline that a huge pile-on was about to occur…and I was right. People who don’t have children generally assume (rightfully so) that people who do have children should be able to take care of them – but even though we acknowledge that “it...

Was This Woman Wrong For Leaving Her Husband at a Clinic and Driving Off?

Let’s be honest – there are a lot of relationship posts on Reddit that are concerning, to say the least. I’ve read plenty of them where the advice in the comments was to run away screaming. This post, though, has everyone legitimately concerned for the lives and well-being of both OP and her baby. It...

Did This Aunt Go Too Far When She Filed A Police Report On Her Nephew?

There are different rules sometimes when we’re dealing with family. That goes double when that family is a minor, but should that really be true in every situation? That’s the question this person was asking after learning that their nephew stole over $10k from an account meant to support their ailing mother. The set of...

15 People Share The Things They Definitely Shouldn’t Have Experienced As Kids

Sadly, I think almost all of us had at least one questionable experience as a kid. Whether it’s a blessing or a curse, though, a lot of the time we don’t realize just how messed up a situation really was until we’re older. These 15 people are the proof in the pudding, but be careful...

10 People Reveal The Bedroom Behaviors That Are 100% Dealbreakers

We all have those lines we draw in the sand. Not only that, but it’s important and healthy to have boundaries – and they honestly don’t have to make sense for anyone but ourselves. If you’re curious what behaviors put other people off in the bedroom, these 10 people aren’t shy about sharing theirs. 10....

11 People Share Their Reasons For Choosing To Be Homeless

Thankfully, most of us will never know what it’s like to not have somewhere to sleep at night. Many people do, though, and sometimes they even make that choice for personal reasons of their own. If you’re curious why someone might make that decision for themselves, look no further – these 11 people are letting...

Woman Wonders Whether Or Not An Ultimatum Was Really In Order

In general, I think that most of us who have been in relationships know that ultimatums aren’t generally the way to go. They put people on the defensive, which isn’t typically helpful. Not to mention that, if you make one, you have to be willing to follow through. This woman has already gone and done...

17 Internet Mysteries From The Beginning That Are Still Unsolved

If you a younger Gen X or older Millennial, then you’ve been on the internet as long as anyone else. I mean, sure, Boomers were technically online in the late 90s and early aughts as well, but they didn’t embrace the entire culture the way younger people did. If you count yourself as one of...

11 People Get Real About Dating Their Friend’s Sibling

I think most people have strict lines in the sand in some areas of dating. Some people – like maybe a friend’s ex – are just off-limits, right? It seems like siblings fall into the off-limits categories for some, but for others, it seems like a no-brainer. You know their family, you like them, and...