16 Popular Pieces Of Advice That Contradict Each Other
There are some pieces of advice that we all know (and occasionally use and love). They seem like one-size-fits-all colloquialisms, things that help us parse what it means to be human, and for those reasons they’re unlikely to ever go away. But what happens when you have two of those pieces of advice, and they...
14 Lawyers Share The Very Worst Cases Of Their Careers
There are a hundred different kinds of lawyers, and while some of them get into it for the money or niche interest, I have to believe that at least some of them get into it because they want to help people. These 14 lawyers probably spend at least a little bit of time re-thinking their...
15 Lawyers Tell The Story Of Their Most Shocking Case
There are upsides and downsides to every profession, and if you’re a lawyer, I’d guess that the hours – along with not getting to always choose your clients – must be two of the worse parts of the job. After you read about what these 15 lawyers say is their most shocking case ever, you’ll...
17 People Laugh About The Funniest Thing They’ve Said To A Doctor
I used to be someone who was embarrassed about discussing personal and/or intimate things with a doctor. Then I had a baby, and I never really thought about being self-conscious about my body again – ha! That said, I feel like most doctors have honestly heard it all…but even if they had, I have to...
15 People Who Have Walked Out Of A Job Interview Talk About Why
Almost everyone can identify with the experience of needing a job, and most of us agree that the process of searching and interviewing for a new one is in no way pleasant. We need jobs, which can make an interview something of an imbalance of power. That said, we also have to know our self worth,...
15 Historical Events That Seem Too Weird To Be True
If you’re a history lover like me, you know that the past is littered with actual events that will drop your jaw. People in extraordinary circumstances are capable of extraordinary feats, and over and over again, human beings have proved that was true. Some of those events, when viewed through a modern lens, actually seem...
18 People Share The Reasons They’re Still Single
Let’s start this post off saying that whether you’re single or attached, there are people who envy your situation. Being single can be great, as can being attached, but when it comes down to it, the right thing is what feels best to you at a certain time in your life. These 18 people are...
14 People Recall Things From The 80s and 90s That We’ve Tried To Forget
If you, like me, belong to GenX or the Millennial generation, you probably tend to view the 80s, 90s, and early aughts with rose colored glasses tinted by nostalgia. We remember the music, the fashion, the stars and the days without cell phones, but we tend to forget the less savory parts. For this post,...
14 Truths People Think Are Hard To Hear
As humans, we really like to hear good news. We like to talk about the positive aspects of the world, of our personalities, and to discuss the truths about the world that work in our favor. On the flip side, we tend to avoid hearing the truths – and learning the associated lessons – that...
10 Of The Cringiest Comments We’ve Seen On The Internet
If we’re being totally honest, there are no shortage of cringey comments on the internet. They’re pretty much everywhere you look, and some days they can almost be too much to take. If you clicked on this post you’re probably ready to read the worst we could find, and I promise we’re about to deliver...
12 Celebrities Who Have Shockingly Celebrated Their 40th Birthdays
When we think back to the singers, actors, and other artists who defined our childhood, our teenage years, or our young adulthood, it can seem to us like they will ever be suspended in time at that same age. The fact is, of course, that celebrities are humans like the rest of us, and (with...
10 Celebrity Encounters Bound To Give You The Warm Fuzzies
If you scour the internet, it’s not hard to find stories about celebrities behaving badly. Like the rest of the news tends to be, the people who run with celebrity stuff mostly shares when things go terribly wrong. What about when things go right, though? What about all of the celebrities who are awesome people,...
The Eternal Return Theory Says You’re Not the First Person to Have Lived Your Life
You’ve probably heard of the more popular theoretical physics theory called the “many worlds” theory, which delves into endless alternative timelines and has been exploited by Hollywood many times over. Have you heard of the eternal return theory, though, that posits we’re all living an endless succession of the same life, sort of like Bill...
11 Funny But Relatable “Protest” Signs
I know you’ve seen the memes where the guy is standing with a protest sign, looking totally bored, but his protest sign is saying something that’s, well…not exactly a protest. Here are 11 of the funniest and most relatable of the bunch – according to me, and hopefully you’ll agree! 11. No one is going...
18 Folks Share Their Predictions For 2022
I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling a little bit gun shy about predicting anything about the year to come – after the past couple of years, I definitely don’t want to challenge the universe. These 18 people have no such qualms, though, and don’t mind throwing out some predictions for the coming year...