
Posts by Trisha Leigh Zeigenhorn

This Woman’s Spouse Is Making Disparaging Comments About Her Late Wife

In this day and age, if you are a person who has lived a certain number of years who also finds themselves dating, there’s a good chance the people you get to know will have had relationships before you. Sexual relationships, serious relationships, flings, deep, true love, and yes, even marriages. It stands to reason...

16 Brand Names That People Say Are Worth The Extra Dough

Most of us who manage households on a monthly basis look for ways to cut corners and save cash wherever we can. Off-brand items can be a great and easy way to do that is not to pay the money for a brand name when you don’t have to. How do you know when it’s...

17 Facts People Love So Much They Can’t Help But Share

There are as many facts in the world as there are types of facts, but when you ask people to share their favorite “cool” fact, you’re bound to get a bunch of amazing responses. Some you might have heard, others might be new to you, but no matter what, we think these 17 facts are...

17 People Share Their Age, And What Problem They Have That’s Currently Making Life Hard

No matter what stage of life you’re currently in, there are bound to be troubles. Some ages are easier to manage than others, but if there’s one thing every human being knows for sure it’s that you can never tell when a huge challenge might be right around the corner. These answers from people across...

The Razzies Award Some of The Worst Movies Ever Made

We spend a lot of time during award’s season lauding the very best that Hollywood has to offer…but I think we all know that there are far more misses than hits when it comes to movies. The Razzies are here to help us recognize the worst of the worst, and honestly, I think it’s a...

11 People Who Couldn’t Believe Their Luck

Some people have all the luck, don’t you think? I’ve always thought that it seems, at least, that a few people get lucky all the time while the rest of us search our whole lives for that one four-leaf clover. These 11 people are for sure in the lucky category, because even they couldn’t believe...

13 Parents Admit To Their Biggest Fails

As parents, we know that no one gets it right all the time. We flub up in small ways every single day, but sometimes, those fails are a bit bigger. One of the things that makes those moments ok (after some time to reflect) is knowing that other parents are right there in the same...

13 Of The Silliest Comments On The Internet That Made Us LOL

If y’all spend any time on the internet at all, you know what a bold statement that title is, right? Because there are a lot of dumb comments on the internet. Some of them are from people who are having an airhead day, some are from people being deliberately obtuse (my least favorite), and some people,...

Does Shutting Down Access To The Lakefront Through His Property Make This Guy The Worst New Neighbor?

There are a ton of relationship and family posts on subreddit Am I The A$$hole, but for my money, the ones with the most drama are always the ones asking for advice on dealing with their neighbors. This man is new to the neighborhood, and had the good fortune of purchasing the only home within...

Should Only One Family Member Be Able To Use A Term Of Endearment?

Getting to peek behind the curtain into other people’s family dynamics can be totally wild, and eye-opening, too. No two families operate exactly the same way, and sometimes we don’t realize how unhealthy things are at home until someone else points it out. This woman is one of four siblings, and her older sister has...

Should This Mom Stay Home So Her Husband Can Attend HER Brother’s Childfree Wedding?

Relationships are complicated, and if you take that already-complicated mess and sprinkle in some kids and some trauma you often get a situation that’s fraught with tension more often than not. For this stay-at-home mom, the tension is boiling over in reaction to an invitation to HER brother’s wedding. OP and her husband have three...

Would This Man Be Wrong To Keep An Inheritance From A Friend When The Friend’s Family Was Left Out?

Whoo boy, y’all, this story you’re about to read. If you think the issue of LGBTQ rights and the treatment of LGBTQ people is a bit of a history lesson these days, think again – it was not so long ago that a person’s sexuality could mean being completely shunned by their own family. OP...

16 People Confess The More Corrupt Thing Their Employer Has Done

Most of us hope, I think, that we’re going to work every day for someone who does more good than evil in the world. The truth is, though, that the phrase “it’s not personal, it’s business” has stuck around for a reason. Many employers are out for themselves, but it can be a shocker to...

Is It OK To Tell Your Fiancee You Need Some Spaces That Are Yours Alone?

It’s obvious to most of us who are married or have been in long term relationships that a commitment to another person necessarily means sharing things – activities, space, friends – but for most of us, that doesn’t mean sharing everything. We all need space to breathe, hobbies that we can enjoy alone, and time with...

18 Drill Sergeants Share The Funniest Recruit Comments They’ve Heard

I know there’s probably not a whole lot that’s amusing about joining the military. I’ve never done it, but in my mind, those first several weeks are probably some of the hardest of your life. That said, if you’re the sergeant in charge of all these young, green boys you’re tasked with turning into men,...