How To Pick Out The Healthiest Houseplants At The Store
Most people would probably say that they enjoy having a few plants around the house. More than a few of those people would also probably lament not being able to keep plants alive, or not having a green thumb – but what if the problem with dying plants began at the store and not in your...
5 Ways Your Plants Are Trying To Talk To You
We all know that if we have pets, they have their own ways of communicating their wants and needs, even without words – but what about plants? People who love plants and treat them like pets or kids are also tuned in to what their leafy pals are trying to tell him, but if you’re...
Here’s Why Scorpions Glow Green Under Ultraviolet Light
I’m an animal lover. I move spiders gently outside, I give sips of water to distressed bees, and I’m waited for the day when a needy little kitten will find me and require a home. That said, there are a few beings – ticks, hornets, and scorpions among them – that I have some questions...
5 Interesting Facts About Fireflies
It’s that time of year again filled with hot summer nights, backyard barbecues, and lots and lots of fireflies lighting up the night skies around us. But what are those little guys, exactly…? Today we’ll get our firefly questions answered with these 5 facts! 1. Say what? Believe it or not, fireflies are not actually...
She Refuses to Work From Home and Now No One Can Bring Their Dogs to the Office. Is She a Jerk?
Way to ruin it for everyone! Uh oh…I have a feeling that this woman is not going to be too popular around the office anytime soon… But let’s get all the details before we rush to judgment, okay? Check out this story and see if you think this woman acted like an a**hole at her...
Why It’s Actually Good News That California Deemed Bumblebees Are Fish
We’ve all heard by now that the bees are in trouble. And if the bees are in trouble, so is literally every other living thing on earth, so it’s definitely a problem that needs to be solved. California, at least, is taking steps to try to help – even if their methods seem a bit...
Here Are Some Reasons Certain Animals Rain From The Sky
When you hear stories about insects or animals raining from the sky it can sound apocalyptic, right? Something must be inherently wrong, or so it seems. There are actual reasons that this might happen that don’t include the inevitable end of the world, though, and if you’re curious what they might be, keep reading! That said,...
A Human Adopted a Duckling That Was Rejected by Her Mother
If you’re in the mood for an adorable story about how opposites attract and how humans and animals can become just like family, then today is your lucky day! A duckling whose mother rejected her was adopted by a woman named Erin Amadon and Amadon named the duck Bea. Amadon found that Bea had been...