

Think The Primary Colors Are Red, Blue, And Yellow? Think Again.

There are so many things we were taught in school that turned out to be flat wrong – and more things that, while technically correct, ended up not being the whole story. And if you spent an art class or several being told that the only primary colors were red, blue, and yellow, well…that’s not...

19 Art Teachers Describe the Best Thing That Happened After They Said “Draw Anything You Want.”

If you’re a teacher of any kind, with kids of any age, then you know an open-ended assignment can be something of a minefield. There’s no way to know where imaginations will take a kid, or what sort of dark home life they might have, but you’ve got to be prepared for anything. That said,...

What Is Something That You Can’t Understand the Popularity Of? Here’s What People Said.

Maybe I’m just getting old, but whenever I turn on the radio or flip channels on TV, a lot of the really popular stuff on there just…confuses me. This especially goes for rap music. I love the stuff I grew up on: Ice T, NWA, Ice Cube, Cypress Hill, etc. But when I hear current,...

People Admit What Popular Things They Just Can’t Wrap Their Heads Around

I know my answer to this question! Pearl Jam. Eddie Vedder seems like a really cool guy and I give that band all the credit in the world for keeping it going after all these years, but I really and truly don’t understand their popularity. In fact, I tried to give their music another shot...

“Charcuterie Chalets” Are Taking Center Stage This Holiday Season

Aren’t we all just about drowning in sweet treats around this time of year? Christmas cookies, puddings, candy, sugar plums, etc. It’s time to make room for something savory. Move over gingerbread house, there’s a new edible abode taking center stage this holiday season. Let’s give a warm welcome to the “charcuterie chalet.” https://www.instagram.com/p/CHg1bp7F_tq/?utm_source=ig_embed The...

This Talented Decorator Transformed Her Home Into a Disney Oasis

Visiting Disney parks can be such a special experience for families, but what if you could take that Disney magic home with you and experience it every day? Disney fan Kelsey Hermanson and her family have done just that. Kelsey and her husband have created their very own Disney house, decorating each room to a...

Roald Dahl’s “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” Was Originally an Anti-Racist Novel Called “Charlie’s Chocolate Boy”

Roald Dahl is one of the world’s best-selling authors, most notable for his children’s books, including Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, James and the Giant Peach, Matilda and more. You’ll be hard pressed to find someone who’s never read or seen a movie based on one of his stories. Plenty of us will have fond...

13 Clever Memes for the Naughty Intellectuals Out There

If you’re an academic-minded person with a dark sense of humor, you might get a kick out of these 13 clever memes for the roguish intellectual. A little bit naughty, a little bit irreverent, just enough nerdiness for the scholarly mind. Even if you don’t consider yourself particularly brainy, these memes will give you a good...