She Made Her Girlfriend Cheap Lasagna. Is She a Jerk?
You have the nerve to make the cheap stuff?!?! What were you thinking?!?! Yes, folks, that’s what we’re dealing with here… So is this woman an a**hole for making her girlfriend cheap lasagna? Check out her story and see what you think. AITA for making my girlfriend cheap lasagna ? “I (24F) make a delicious...
She Ate the Toppings off of Her Boyfriend’s Pizza. Is She a Jerk?
A word to the wise: don’t mess with someone’s pizza. EVER. So you can see why this woman’s boyfriend got a little bit perturbed when she ate the toppings off of his pizza. Read her story below and see if you think she was out of line. AITA for eating the toppings off my BF’s...
What Unhealthy Obsessions Do People Have? Here’s What Folks Had to Say.
I’d venture to guess that almost all of us know people who have unhealthy obsessions these days. It’s easy when we constantly have devices in our hands at all times…and I think the problem might just be getting worse… Let’s see what folks on AskReddit had to say about this. Not a good thing. “Loving...
Is She Wrong for Not Paying Her Boyfriend Back After He Got the Wrong Birthday Cake? People Responded.
Well, this sounds kinda harsh… Not paying your own boyfriend back because he got the wrong birthday cake? Hmmm…there must be more to the story, right? The only way to find out is to read the story below and see what you think! Get started now! AITA for not paying my boyfriend back after he...
If You Had to Eat the Same Thing for Breakfast Every Day, What Would It Be? People Responded.
Hmmm, this is a tough one… Do you go with waffles? Egg sandwich? Pancakes? There are a whole lot of possibilities but remember: we’re talking about ONE and only ONE breakfast for the rest of your life… Think about your answer while you see what AskReddit users had to say about this. Yummy. “I’ll cut...
She Made Everyone Homemade Food Except for Her Brother’s Stepdaughter. Is She a Jerk?
Call me crazy, but I feel like a lot of friendships and relationships among family members are being fractured these days…over food. It’s true! There are all kinds of stories out there about people getting incredibly offended about what food they are served or not served. And here’s another example! Read this story and let...
She Tricked Her In-Laws Into Trying Her Food. Did She Go Too Far?
Here’s another story from Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page that revolves around food… More specifically, it concerns a person having to trick someone else into trying a certain kind of food. What’s with these folks?!?! We live in a weird world, my friends… Check out this woman’s story and let us know what you...
He Got His Girlfriend a Gift Basket of Things She Avoided During Her Pregnancy. Is He Wrong?
This sounds like a nice thing to me! But I guess you never know how people are going to react to just about anything, do you? So was this guy out of line for what he did for his girlfriend? Take a look at his story and let us know what you think in the...