13 People Share Things They Could Say to Young Folks That They Wouldn’t Understand
Time flies, huh? You better believe it! And these kids today sometimes need a reminder that we old timers have been around the block! AskReddit users talked about things they could say to young people that they wouldn’t understand. Dig in! 1. That thing went on forever! “The long phone cord that became elongated over...
Here’s How They Make Double-Edged Shaving Razor Blades
Men (and presumably some women) have been using shape-edged tools to shave the hair from their skin for millennia. I had no idea that cavemen also used to prefer a clean shave to stubble, but according to the Discovery Science Channel series “How It’s Made,” that’s exactly right. Apparently, we’ve always been a bit annoyed...
Watch The Mesmerizing Process Of Restoring This Seven-String Parlor Guitar
The traditional modern acoustic guitar features six strings. If you’re not someone who plays, six strings probably seems like plenty – but did you know that, in some cultures, a seven-string guitar used to be the norm? The extra string is mostly used to extend the bass range (like a low B) or, at the...
What MTV Debuted During Their First Two Hours
If you’re a person of a certain age, you may remember when MTV actually played, you know…music on television. From back in the 80s when they proclaimed that video had killed the radio star to the heyday of TRL in the late 90s/early aughts, we swear it used to be a thing. And if you...
What Do You Remember About the Early Days of the Internet? Here’s What People Said.
Do you remember dial-up Internet? AOL? Primitive chat rooms? Yeah, those were the good old days! Or, maybe they weren’t really that good…but today we’re going to revisit them because folks on AskReddit talked about the early days of the Internet. Let’s go back in time! 1. Good times. “CheatCC FTW. I used to spend...
12 People Talk About Old Things That Internet Veterans Will Remember
Today we’re going to take a fun trip down Memory Lane with the fine folks of AskReddit! And they’re going to help take us back in time to the early days of the Internet which seem like a distant memory these days. Let’s see what these folks had to say about the good old days!...
12 People Share the Scary, Unexplained Experiences They Had in Rural Areas
I had a conversation the other day and someone asked me if I would rather be stranded in a sketchy inner-city neighborhood or in the middle of nowhere. I immediately gave my answer: give me the city! Because I’m afraid of the creepiness of isolated places with not too many people around. Let’s see what...
What Discontinued Food or Beverage Do You Want to Return? Here’s What People Said.
Will Crystal Pepsi ever make a comeback? Inquiring minds want to know…and by that, I mean ME. I’ve been waiting for years! All I guess I can do at this point is sit and wait for my beloved beverage to return… But enough about me… Check out the discontinued food and beverage items these folks...