

14 People Discuss What They Think Is the Shadiest Thing the U.S. Government Has Ever Done

As a proud American, I can also safely say that our government does A LOT of shady and messed up things around the world and has for many, many years. Obviously, I’m not singling out the USA, as it’s clear that many other countries do awful things as well in the name of power. Hey,...

People Share Stories About Scary Close Calls They Had

Once, I was driving down a six-lane highway, going 70+ mph, when suddenly, out of nowhere, one of my tires blew. The car was now far less under my control, skidding and swerving, and I desperately tried to tame it just long enough to get to the shoulder – across multiple lanes – without hitting...

What Do You Miss About the Way the Internet Used to Be? Here’s What People Said.

My experience with the OLD internet was mostly just annoying my sister by tying up the phone line so I could slowly download bad-quality mp3s. Those were the good old days! But a lot has changed since then. Let’s see what Reddit misses: 1. The nerdiness A real high presence of programming stuff, STEM stuff etcetera....

30 People Talk About the Scams They Fell For

When I first moved to Chicago, two guys come to my door explaining something about how our energy company was rebranding or something and I needed to just sign something so they could start the new service which was better yada yada and just sign it, ok? It wasn’t until about an hour later that...

26 People Shared Their Family’s Darkest Secrets

There are definitely some secrets in my extended family’s background that I’m not gonna dare talk about here because my name is on this article… And I’m sure a lot of you out there probably feel the same way… But, luckily for us, a whole bunch of folks on AskReddit were willing to go on...

How Will the Tumultuous Year of 2020 Be Remembered in 50 Years? People Responded.

I think all of us can agree that 2020 was a pretty awful year. An unforeseen health crisis has made pretty much the entire world stop, protests and riots are disrupting major cities, and we are more politically divided than we’ve ever been. So how will people explain that tumultuous year to their kids and...

16 People Discuss What They Believe Are Examples Of Pure Evil

I’m going to give you a fair warning right up front – many of these answers are not suitable for work, and more than that, they’re not easy to forget, even for a true crime junkie like me. You probably realize that a majority of the most evil things in the world will be hard...

What Did You Witness as a Kid That Still Disturbs You? People Responded.

Certain scars from childhood are so harmful that they never heal. And I’m not talking about physical ones. I’m referring to the things we see as kids that we carry with us throughout our lives because they were traumatic and painful. AskReddit users opened up about what they witnessed as kids that still haunts them....