

What’s the Most Disturbing Thing You Saw in Person. Here’s What People Said.

Have you ever seen something in person that shocked you and left you speechless? If you have, you know how truly terrifying and surreal that experience can be. And today we’re going to hear stories from folks on AskReddit about the most disturbing things they’ve seen in person. Let’s take a look. 1. Awful. “Watched...

What Crime Do You Want to See Solved? People Shared Their Thoughts.

There are so many high-profile unsolved crimes out there that it would be hard to pick just one to learn the truth about. And today we’re going to hear from AskReddit users about the crimes they’d like to see solved. Take a look at what they had to say. 1. Never seen again. “Jennifer Keese....

Vandals Destroy Australian Cave Drawings That Are Over 20,000 Years Old

It seems that as history is becoming more and more relevant to today’s issues, there are more and more people set on destroying it where it has stood undisturbed for thousands of years. Now, humanity has taken one more step in the wrong direction by destroying ancient cave drawings done by Indigenous Australians. View this...

Check Out The Giant Crocodile Mummy Found Inside An Egyptian Tomb

We have been opening Egyptian tombs for decades, now – much to the chagrin of the superstitious among us – and I would venture to say that we have uncovered any number of surprises. Perhaps none so large and intimidating as these giant crocodile mummies, though I suppose if one is familiar with the residents...

14 Unsolved Mysteries That People Would Love To See Solved

True crime has experienced a total renaissance over the past decade. So many people are into it, love playing armchair detective, and I think imagine that the more of it they watch, the less likely something terrible will happen to them. There are some mysteries that go unsolved, though, and it really bugs folks not...

What’s the Greatest Movie Scene of All Time? Here’s What People Said.

I love movies and there are specific movie scenes that will be burned into my brain until the end of time because they are just so memorable. Or, at least they are to me… And that’s what’s so special about cinema! The stuff that sticks with you makes you happy in ways that you can’t...

Learn More About The Woman Who Inspired The Class “Island Of The Blue Dolphins” Book

I was a reader as a child. No one had to force me to read, and in fact, I probably ran through a good portion of my parents’ monthly “fun” budget keeping me in books. As I grew, my palate expanded and a love for history was born – largely through books like Island of the...

What Sounds Do You Remember From Your Youth That You Don’t Hear Anymore? People Responded.

When I ponder this question, one thing that comes to mind is hearing random pay-phones ring at the mall or outside on the sidewalk. You definitely don’t hear that anymore! Now let’s hear what AskReddit users had to say about this! 1. Splashing around. “Weird water bed sounds… My friend next door’s family had one...