People Share the Mysteries, Urban Legends, or Conspiracy Theories They Want to Know the Truth Behind
I’m a sucker for all kinds of mysteries, urban legends, and conspiracy theories. Even if I don’t really believe in a particular story, I still think they’re fascinating to read about…and there are a ton of them out there to dive into. What unsolved mysteries would you like to know the truth behind? Let’s get...
18 People Share the Coolest Dinosaur Fact They Know
Kids who grow up obsessed with dinosaurs never loser their interest in the far-off past. If you need proof of this statement, just look at the popularity of the enduring (and still going) Jurassic Park franchise! For some reason it’s not “cool” for adults to love talking about dinosaurs, but I say it’s about time...
16 Super Cool Dinosaur Facts You Might Not Know
One of the most awesome things about science is how we’re literally always discovering new things. Not only that, scientists get a little thrill at getting to revise and update previous work, so no one is ever going to pretend like a new discovery didn’t upend everything we believed yesterday. Which means there are always...
These 4 Unlikely Spy Plans Shouldn’t Have Worked, But They Somehow Did
When we watch spy movies, it’s the technology that’s super fun to witness – and although usually it ends up being the spy himself, his skills and his brains, that really get the job done. And once you read about these ridiculous spy plans of days gone by that actually worked, you might wonder why...
Who Was Rube Goldberg and Why Are His Inventions So Fascinating?
If you’ve attended a children’s science fair, there’s a good chance you’ve seen some version of a Rube Goldberg contraption in action – they’re gizmos that perform a simple task in a ridiculously complicated manner. Remember the game Mouse Trap? Like that. There’s actually an entire contest for kids that still happens – the Rube...
14 Less-Famous Inventions From Famous Inventors
Teachers only have so much time to cover so much material, and so it’s understandable that when it comes to history, science, and inventions, they can only really hit the highlights. It stands to reason, though, that a person who had a very famous invention probably had other inventions of varying success and usefulness, right?...
Helpful Inventions That Came From the Minds of Famous Inventors
Everyone seems to know things like Henry Ford invented the first car, and Tesla invented that funny coil thing, but for some reason we never really think about the fact that people who come up with those sorts of things surely come up with other cool things during their careers, too. They obviously do, though –...
19 Things That Are Newer Than Most People Realize
Time is a funny thing. It can seem like it’s passing by so, so slow…only to have you wake up one day and find that literal years have flown past. It can see as if your kids were just born yesterday when they’re actually ready to start school, or you might swear you just graduated...