Even History Buffs Might Have Missed These 14 Dark Moments
As a writer, I can attest to the fact that the truth is definitely stranger than fiction. There are some things that have happened in human history that, even if an author could dream them up, no one would ever buy. Some of them, as these 14 events prove, are completely dark, showing the absolute depravity...
Why “It’s A Wonderful Life” Flopped at the Box Office, and How It Ended Up a Holiday Classic
There’s a good chance that your family has some kind of tradition when it comes to the movies you watch around the holidays. It might be children’s classics, like Charlie Brown or How the Grinch Stole Christmas. It might be modern favorites like Christmas Vacation or A Christmas Story, or maybe you just love marathoning every Hallmark Christmas movie they...
11 Creepy True Crime Memes for Only the Most Obsessed Fans
Desperately searching for more true crime content? Are you scouring every streaming service you have every day in hopes of finding that quick fix? Don’t worry, here’s a fresh, new set of 11 true crime memes to satisfy you for the next few minutes, at least. 1. This is always weird Is it denial, or...
People Share the “Let That Sink In” Facts That Are Difficult to Believe
Do you want to know ALL the info? Well, that’s impossible, but today we’ve got 14 crazy facts to wrap your head around. Let’s take a look! 1. Kaboom #2! It took humanity approximately 4 times longer to switch from copper swords to steel swords than it took to switch from steel swords to nuclear...
15 People Share the Historical Fact That Makes Them Cry
If you think history is bland or boring, I promise that you’ve just never had the right teacher (or read the right books!). History can do all of the things a good movie or book or play can do – it can make you laugh, making you think, make you mad, and sure, it can...
13 Super Accurate True Crime Memes That Only Extreme Fans Will Understand
Another day, another opportunity to learn way too much about true crime. Serial killers and kidnappings don’t deter you like the average person. In fact, they’re exactly what interest you – freak that you are. Have no shame here; we’ve got a fresh batch of 13 memes that’ll scratch your true crime itch. 1. Oh...
A Group of Kittens Is Also Called a ‘Kindle’ and 12 Other Curious Facts About Cats
Few animals have captivated humanity’s curiosity and adoration so much as cats. Our feeds are flooded with videos of their hilarious antics and adorable faces. We’ll happily buy them the best toys, treats and food that money can offer. But how much do you really know about cats? Perhaps you’ll learn something new after reading these...
History Vs. Myth: 5 Legends Surrounding KFC and Colonel Sanders
If you’re a person with a brain that enjoys going down rabbit holes, there’s a good chance you’ve spent some time pondering not only the character of Colonel Sanders, but the chicken he hocks, too. Why does he like chicken so much? He’s not a chef, so why do we trust his opinion on chicken? Is...