

What Was Supposed to Be “The Next Big Thing”, but Flopped? Here’s What People Said.

I remember when I was growing up in Kansas in the 1990s, the town of Lawrence was referred to as “the next Seattle.” This was the height of the grunge craze and Lawrence did (and always has) had a good music scene…but of course, that kind of recognition never came to Lawrence. So, no, it...

People Talk About “The Next Big Things” That Totally Flopped

Do you remember Crystal Pepsi? How about Zima? There are tons and tons of products, people, and random other stuff that are supposed to be “the next big thing” that just don’t quite work out. But it’s fun to look back on them! Folks on AskReddit talked about things that were supposed to be a...

People Share Their Thoughts About What Has an Undeserved Bad Reputation

In the world we live in, some things that aren’t necessarily all that bad get dragged through the mud. And that can be a real bummer…but it happens…A LOT. What has a totally undeserved bad reputation? Let’s see what people on AskReddit had to say about this. 1. Going nuclear. “Nuclear energy. Not only does...

People Share What They Think Is Cool Now, but Won’t Be in 5 Years

Things come and go in a hurry. Trends of all kinds are here one day and then gone tomorrow…some of that is good and some is bad. But it’s just the way it is… What’s cool now but won’t be in five years? Here’s how AskReddit users responded. 1. Tired of them yet? “Zoom calls....

What Has a Bad Reputation but Doesn’t Deserve It? Let’s See What People Said.

People out there LOVE to sh*t on pretty much everything, don’t they? People, ideas, organizations, businesses: nothing is safe! Yes, some things definitely deserve a bad reputation, but some stuff gets lumped in unnecessarily. AskReddit users talked about what they think has an undeserved bad reputation. Let’s see what they had to say. 1. Good...

People Shared the Books That Changed Their Lives

I love books. It’s a love affair that’s lasted my entire life and will be with me until I kick the bucket at some point. Some of my favorites that really made an impact on me are In Cold Blood, This Boy’s Life, and My Dark Places. But there are so many other great ones that I love,...

“The Fellowship Of The Ring” Is 20, So Let’s Toast With Some Laughs

The Fellowship of the Ring is honestly a great trilogy of films, from the story to the cinematography and the acting. Fantasy nerds the world over got exactly the movies we deserved after decades of adoring the book, handing it to our friends and our children, and generally viewing it as canon for anyone wanting...

Here Are Some Jokes in Honor of the 20th Anniversary “The Fellowship Of The Ring”

If you are a person of a certain age, or really anyone who professes to love high fantasy literature or film or television (or any type of story), there’s almost a zero chance that you aren’t familiar with The Lord of the Rings. The trilogy, written by J.R.R. Tolkien, is considered a classic, and essential canon,...