

You Won’t Regret Checking Out Any of These 15 YA Books By Awesome Black Authors

Reading is fun, but it’s even better when you make intentional efforts to read books by a diverse array of authors. As always, Black Young Adult novel authors have outdone themselves. These are some great 2020 novels you can dig into. 15. Tochi Onyebuchi, Riot Baby https://www.instagram.com/p/B-8apycAt17/ Ella can see things from the future, but her brother...

Calling All YA Lovers: These 18 LGBTQ Books Should Definitely Be on Your Radar

YA (that’s short for Young Adult, for the uninitiated) fiction has been where it’s at for the past several years. From Twilight to The Hunger Games, Harry Potter, The Fault in Our Stars, The Hate U Give…really, I could spend the next three days listing amazing titles that center around teenaged protagonists. Many of them have been...

8 Facts About ‘Harry Potter’ Cast That Show How Perfect They Were for the Part

Can we imagine Harry Potter being played by anyone but Daniel Radcliffe? Or Hermione played by someone not Emma Watson? These parts were perfectly cast and we have 8 little known facts that prove it. 1. Evanna Lynch made Luna’s dirigible plum earrings. She made the pair exactly how the books described at home and wore...

11 Books People Say They Just Couldn’t Put Down

In the book world, the term is “unputdownable,” and it refers to a book that you want very much to read in one sitting, even if you can’t make it happen because of stupid real life. To a book that, when you’re not reading it, you’re thinking about it and wishing you could get back...

Why ‘Twilight: Breaking Dawn, Part Two’ Was a Lot Better Than You Remember

Chances are that when you think of the Twilight phenomenon, great art is not what comes to mind. Whether we’re talking about the books, the movies, or both, there’s a certain amount of cheese, and a great amount of shrugging at parts, even by those who are lovers of all involved. I mean, the dialogue is...

People Love This Librarian’s Twitter Thread of Things She’s Learned Over the Years

Listen, anyone who works face-to-face with the public is bound to learn a thing or two about people, whether they’re trying to or not. Some of it is amusing, some of it is profound, some of it isn’t memorable at all, but here’s the thing – we could all use a little more insight into...

10 Images That Are Crimes Against Books

Books are sacred. It’s impossible to throw them out – what if you want to re-read them? What if you want to stare at the cover and remember the feeling it gave you the first time you cracked it open? What if you want to share it with your kids some day? What if you...

12 Images That Book Lovers Might Not Like Too Much

Listen, if you’re not someone who loves books and loves to read, you may be fine with what you’re about to see. It may not bother you one bit to see books in states such as these, I don’t know. What I do know, as someone who drinks books like water, is that every last one...