

People Share 20 “Honest Slogans” For Beloved Brands

There are all kinds of brands out there that we encounter on basically a daily basis, and even though there might be plenty about them that we don’t love, the truth is that we’re never going to stop buying, eating, or using them. They’re kind of like old friends, honestly, which means we’re allowed to...

What Celebrity Do You Think Suffered the Worst Fall From Grace? Here’s What People Said.

The #metoo movement has going on for the past few years and, if you’ve been paying attention, you’ve noticed that some people who were doing really bad things for a really long time finally paid the price. And that’s definitely a good thing. But falls from grace in Hollywood are as old as the motion...

People Talk About What They Did “Before It Was Cool”

I liked it before it was cool! Whether it’s music, movies, fashion, or a million other things, people like to make this claim to sound cool and impress people. I guess you can classify it as shaming of some sort. What did you do “before it was cool”? AskReddit users shared their stories. 1. Nerdin’...

Disney Park Employees Talk About What It’s Really Like to Work There

Some jobs sound like they’d be wonderful, but once you actually start working there…well that’s another story… Have you ever wondered what it would be like to work at a Disney theme park? Well, now you’re about to find out. These responses come to us from the Buzzfeed Community. Let’s see what folks had to...

15 Things We All Expected To Be Really Great, But Ended Up Being The Exact Opposite

I feel like society as a whole has gotten pretty jaded when it comes to products and media that’s super hyped – almost like the more companies try to push things on us, the less we’re willing to get super excited about them. That said, we’re not immune to the mass marketing machine, and there...

People Talk About What Used to Be Great but Is Now Really Bad

There are a lot of bands that I loved when I was younger that are still at it that are just flat-out painful these days…sorry but it’s the truth. I give them credit for keeping it going, but jeez…it ain’t pretty. What do you think used to be great but is now really bad? AskReddit...

11 Times Brands Got Totally Roasted Online

Every brand out there has a social media presence these days. The people in charge of their content answer questions, tweet out blasts about deals and specials, and handle customer service complaints when they come along. This presence also, however, opens them up to public scrutiny and, when warranted, ridicule – and these 11 brands...

What Is Universally Liked by All People? Here’s What Folks Said.

We are divided about pretty much everything today, but I still believe that we as human beings have a lot more in common than we’re led to believe. And there are some things that we can all agree on! What is universally liked by everyone? Here’s what people had to say on AskReddit. 1. Really...