12 People Talk About the Things They Don’t Mind Spending Money On
You get what you pay for. Have you ever heard that expression before? I bet you have! And there’s a reason it exists because sometimes it’s better to pay more for a good product. Let’s see what AskReddit users had to say about this. 1. Me, too! “Books. Physical books, ebooks, whatever suits at the...
What Things From the 2000s Do You Want to See Come Back? People Responded.
As folks like to say, time really flies. And we’re now living in the 2020s! That sounds kind of weird to even say it…and kind of scary. And now we’re starting to get nostalgic for stuff that around in the 2000s…and what a glorious decade it was. AskReddit users talked about what things from the...
14 People Discuss the Popular Things They Wish Would Go Away
I’d venture to say that we all have things we’d like to see go away, right? Darn right! It’s just the way it goes. And we’re about to hear from some folks who have some pretty strong opinions. What popular things do you wish would go away? Here’s what AskReddit users had to say about...
What Popular Things Really Need to Go Away? 13 People Spoke Up.
You know what I’m tired of seeing? ANNOYING INFLUENCERS. Yes, I understand that some of these folks are doing good things for others, but I feel like the majority of them are just totally vapid and empty people who are basically doing nothing for a living… And I wouldn’t mind seeing that trend go away...
21 People Invent “Honest Slogans” For Popular Brands
We all have our favorite brands – and the ones we’re not so keen on – but I think that no matter what, we can agree that there’s no truth in advertising. Or at least, very little. These 21 people are spending time coming up with hilariously accurate slogans for some popular brands, and I...
16 Brand Names That People Say Are Worth The Extra Dough
Most of us who manage households on a monthly basis look for ways to cut corners and save cash wherever we can. Off-brand items can be a great and easy way to do that is not to pay the money for a brand name when you don’t have to. How do you know when it’s...
What Trends Do You Really Despise? People Shared Their Thoughts.
I’ll tell you about a trend that I really can’t stand at all… INFLUENCER CULTURE. It drives me nuts! And I don’t think it has anything to do with the fact that I’m a little bit older: sometimes I talk to people in their twenties and even they think the whole thing is weird and...
17 Brand Names People Say Are 100% Worth The Money
There are some things in life where the generic is going to do you just fine – and other things where paying a bit more for the “brand name” will leave you a much happier customer in the end, despite the price. It can be hard to know which is which, though, unless you’ve already...