People Talk About the Actors We All Know by Sight but Whose Names We Don’t Know
Have you ever heard of the actor Fred Ward? Even if you haven’t, I bet you’ve seen his face. And he’s been one of my favorite actors for a long time…even before I knew what his name was. What actors does everyone recognize but no one knows their names? AskReddit users shared their thoughts....
What Actors Has Everyone Seen but Nobody Knows Their Names? Here’s What People Said.
I love character actors! I’m talking about the people you see in a lot of movies and they’re always great but you just don’t know what the hell their names are. Some of my favorites are Fred Ward, Clancy Brown, Ed Lauter, and Kevin Corrigan. They’re always great in every movie they’re in! What actors...
People Discuss the Most Messed-Up Movies They’ve Seen
There’s definitely not a shortage of disturbing movies to watch out there, that’s for sure. Don’t get me wrong, I like dark movies, but every once in a while I end up seeing one that I probably could have done without. People talked about the movies that they found very disturbing. Let’s see what they...
12 People Share the Most Disturbing Movies They’ve Ever Seen
Movies just keep getting weirder and darker lately, don’t you think? I’m a horror movie fan and that genre in particular has really ratcheted up how extreme they are…and some of them really stick in your head long after the screen goes dark. What’s the most disturbing movie you’ve ever seen? People shared their thoughts....
12 Celebrity Encounters That Will Put A Smile On Your Face
There are way too many stories that bolster the saying “never meet your heroes.” Times “regular” folks were so excited to meet a celebrity they adore, only to be disappointed in one form or another by their attitude or reaction to the meeting. These encounters are not those – they’re happy meetings that leave both...
These 11 Celebrity Meetings Will Give You The Warm Fuzzies
We all like to believe that the celebrities we fall in love with on stage or screen are the people they are in our minds. Sadly, the media and other people’s personal encounters are often there, ready and waiting to smear those glowing images with their inconvenient truths. That said, there are plenty of famous...
10 Actors Whose Live-Action Characters Look Just Like The Cartoons
More and more live action versions of old (and not so old) cartoons are being made, and I have to think casting departments are working overtime to find the perfect actor to bring those beloved favorite characters to life. These 10 actors really nailed it, though, and I have to think it’s more about the...
12 Celebrities Whose Animated Counterparts Are Dead Ringers
There are more and more animated shows that are finding success with adult audiences – The Simpsons paved the way, of course, but since then shows like South Park, Archer, and more recently, Bojack Horseman, have also delighted grown ups! It’s always interesting to see the actors behind the voices, and sometimes, they even look a bit like the...