

People Share Their Stories of Meeting Celebrities Who Were Total Jerks

Well, isn’t that a bummer? You meet a big, fancy celebrity and they turn out to be…less than pleasant. Hey, it happens all the time, but the stories are still pretty interesting. What celebrity did you meet who was a total jerk? Here’s how folks on AskReddit responded. 1. Not cool. “Bobby Flay. We paid...

People Share the Netflix Series They Will Always Recommend to Friends and Family

Man, Netflix is really pumping out the original content these days, aren’t they? Every time I scroll through their page, there are tons of new shows that I haven’t seen yet. But if I only had more time to pick out the good from the bad… Hey, I think these responses are a good start!...

What Actor or Actress Was Completely 100% Wrong for a Role They Played? Here’s What People Said.

I think that being a casting director for movies and TV shows must be pretty difficult. You really only have one shot to get it right with each role and if you mess up and cast the wrong person…well, we all know how that usually turns out… Folks on AskReddit talked about the actors and...

People Share What Actors and Actresses They Thought Were Totally Wrong for Roles They Played

Have you ever been watching a movie and thought to yourself, “why was this person cast for this role? What were they thinking?!?!” It happens all the time! But I guess there’s bound to be some misfires out there in the world of moviemaking, right? What actor or actress did you think was totally wrong...

14 Iconic Musicians Photoshopped Side-By-Side With Their Younger Selves

It is a fact of life that everyone ages, but before you go thinking that’s a reason to be melancholy or sad, think about this – getting older is better than the alternative. So, while it’s fun to visit the past and see what these popular musicians looked like then and now, let’s remember to...

5 Sad Facts About the Life of Judy Garland

In this day and age, we’ve not only realized, but accepted, that plenty goes on in Hollywood that’s less than savory – and that the majority of the wrongs are done to young women. In the 50s, though, studio heads were like gods and control they had over the women they had under contract was...

He Grew Up in a Cult, and 9 Other Tragic Facts About Joaquin Phoenix’s Life

If you’re a fan of Joaquin Phoenix, or someone who follows Hollywood at all, you’re probably aware that the man hasn’t led a happy or particularly normal existence since the very beginning. That said, you might not be aware of how deep the dysfunction goes, or the details that really make you wonder how he’s...

14 Stars Who Went Way Too Far With Their Method Acting

Actors have all kinds of methods to their madness, and much of it depends on how they were schooled, where they were schooled, and what sort of role they might be preparing for. Many “old school”actors choose a method acting approach, which means putting themselves in the shoes of the character as much as possible...