

What Unrealistic Things in Movies Drive You Nuts? Here’s What People Said.

The couple always ends up together in the end. The bad guy always gets it in the end. The underdog always wins. The things listed above are all examples of things that happen all the time in movies and are totally unrealistic. You know it’s true! And some of these unrealistic Hollywood conventions really drive...

People Discuss the Unrealistic Things in Movies That Really Annoy Them

As a movie lover, I’m well aware that there are TONS of things that happen in films that are just…well…ridiculous… And sometimes those things can really get on our nerves! AskReddit users went on the record and shared the unrealistic things in movies that drive them crazy. Let’s take a look! 1. Unrealistic. “Unrealistic wealth....

12 Celebrity Tweets That Are Worth a Look

Celebrity tweets can be hit or miss, with some of them easy to scroll past, and others that definitely get your attention, for one reason or another. Many a celebrity (and a regular person) has had a fun, swift rise on social media only to come crashing down just as spectacularly, but you know, it’s...

13 Celebrities Killing the Social Media Game

Social media can be a fickle beast, and however good you are it today, you shouldn’t get too comfortable – tomorrow is coming, everything is changing…especially the rules. The cool thing about the online game is that we all play by the same rules, which means celebrities are always working to keep one step ahead,...

These Taylor Swift “Evermore” Jokes Might Get You Through to the Next Album

I know we’ve gotten two brand new Taylor Swift albums in the span of a few months. I also know we’re all counting down the days until she makes us feel all of the feelings again. Until then, people are talking about “Evermore” online, about how it makes them feel and how many times they cried...

25 Jokes About Taylor Swift’s “Evermore” That’s Almost as Good as the Album Itself

I know that not everyone is a Taylor Swift fan, but it would be hard to argue against the fact that she’s totally killing it lately. She released not one, but two albums in one year to critical and popular acclaim, and the first one was nominated for several awards. So, please don’t take us...

Hilarious Tweets From Celebrities We Think You’ll Enjoy

It’s always nice to find out that some celebrities, although they are rich and famous, still have a good sense of humor. Hey, you might think that it would all go out the window after they hit the big time, but these high-profile folks prove on Twitter that they are really funny! And we’re here...

Celebrities Can Be Funny, Too! And These Tweets Prove It!

Hey, celebrities are just like us! Well…not really…but at least it’s refreshing to know that some of them still have a good sense of humor even though they have their every need catered to at every hour of the day. You probably had a feeling that some of the folks on this list were already...