Who Are Some Famous Folks Who Are Actually Really Mean? People Shared Their Thoughts.
It’s interesting when a famous person who everyone seems to love gets outed as a total a**hole. Does the name Bill Cosby ring a bell? Yeah, it happens… Let’s hear from AskReddit users about who they think is universally loved but are actually jerks. 1. Hi, neighbor. “Tim Allen. He lived near me for a...
12 People Talk About Who They Think Is Universally Loved but Are Actually Jerks
Remember when everyone thought Ellen DeGeneres was so delightful, funny, and loveable…? And then the s**t hit the fan and pretty much all of her employees said she actually sucks and treats people horribly and that all went down the drain… Who do you think is universally loved but is actually a jerk? AskReddit users...
What’s Something People Don’t Like for No Reason? Here’s What People Said.
Some things out there get a lot of grief for no reason. Certain celebrities, trends, politicians, etc. get caught in a firestorm of criticism…and maybe none of those people and things really deserve it. Let’s hear from AskReddit users about what they think people don’t like for no good reason. 1. LOL. “Actors because of...
12 People Talk About Things That Folks Seem to Dislike for No Reason
I’ve said it before but it’s time to say it again… Why does Guy Fieri get so much grief from people and get made fun of so much? His TV show is good, he does a lot of good work for charities, and he promotes small businesses all over the country. But still…people like to...
What Controversies Have People Forgotten About? Here’s What People Said.
We now live in a world where we’re bombarded by information and news 24 hours a day so it can be hard to keep up with things that happened just last week… And plenty of scandals and controversies fade from public view in a heartbeat. So that’s why we’re going to get some refreshers today...
What Do You Genuinely Not Understand? People Shared Their Thoughts.
Oh, boy, do I have a loooooong list of things that I don’t understand… But we’re not here today to talk about ME, my friends. We’ve gathered here today to hear from AskReddit users about what they genuinely don’t understand. Let’s dig in and see what they came up with. 1. Beats me. “How a...
12 People Admit What They Truly Don’t Understand
Hmmmm, this might take a while… Because we live in a crazy world and I’m having a hard time making sense of much of it! Am I alone in feeling this way? I don’t think so… And I’m glad these AskReddit users have my back and they’re confused, too. Take a look at what they...
What TV Show Do You Think Only You Remember? People Shared Their Thoughts.
Our memories can really be tricky things, don’t you think? In your mind, you’re absolutely positive that something happened…and then you find out that no one has any clue what the hell you’re talking about… Yeah, it’s weird! And with that, we’re gonna hear from folks on AskReddit about what TV show only they seem...