People Admit What Celebrities They Felt Bad for Who Got Cancelled
Famous people are getting cancelled left and right these days, huh? Actors, musicians, politicians, no one is safe. And I’m sure that you know that a ton of them did really horrible things and they deserved to be called out for them. But did some of them just get caught up in all the “cancel”...
What Is Universally Liked by All People? Here’s What Folks Said.
We are divided about pretty much everything today, but I still believe that we as human beings have a lot more in common than we’re led to believe. And there are some things that we can all agree on! What is universally liked by everyone? Here’s what people had to say on AskReddit. 1. Really...
12 People Talk About How They Occupied Their Time Before the Internet Existed
Sorry, younger people, but I’m here to burst your bubble. Growing up WITHOUT the Internet was actually pretty amazing. My friends and I rode our bikes, played sports, ran through the woods, and basically created our own fun every day after school and on the weekends. The only thing you had to make sure you...
What Did You Do With Your Time Before the Internet Existed? Here’s What People Said.
I remember when I first encountered the Internet when I was in high school. It was pretty primitive back then but it was still pretty mind-blowing. You mean you can actually chat with another person who lives on the other side of the planet? Whoa! It was obviously a huge game-changer for society. But how...
What Are We Definitely Not in the Golden Age Of? People Shared Their Thoughts.
I’ll tell you what I don’t think we’re in the golden age of: COMMON SENSE. I mean, can we get any dumber as a society right now? Actually, I shouldn’t say that out loud because I might have just jinxed something…sorry about that… What are we most definitely NOT in the golden age of? AskReddit...
13 People Talk About What They Think Is Cool Now but Won’t Be In Five Years
There are few things that really stay legitimately cool for longer than a few years. Do you remember HyperColor t-shirts? They were all the rage when I was young and everyone in my school wanted one and then the next year…it was like they never even existed. That’s just the way it goes, folks. What...
12 People Share What They Think We’re Definitely Not in the Golden Age Of
You hear a lot of references to “the golden age of” this or that. Of Hollywood, television, literature, whatever. But I think we can all agree that we’re definitely not in the golden age of a whole lot of things at the moment. People on AskReddit shared what they think we’re NOT in the golden...
13 Times Pixar Movies Went Above And Beyond
Anyone who loves Disney and Pixar movies knows that when it comes to details, these animators and filmmakers leave no stone unturned. They think of everything, it seems, and the result is an experience that usually hits every single mark. Even if you know all of that, though, there’s a good chance these 13 details...