

10 Places You Can Stream Movies for Free

I think (hope) we all know that stealing creative content on the internet is wrong. I know that money is tight and times are hard, but if people refuse to pay for their entertainment, the people who create that entertainment aren’t going to be able to afford to continue. So, it’s important that if and when...

12 Interesting Facts About Popular Disney Films

If there’s one thing people can’t seem to get enough of, it’s Disney and their movies. No matter your age, there’s a good chance Disney was part of your childhood, or you’re sharing everything again with your own kids (or grandkids), or – considering everything that now falls under the Disney umbrella – you’re deeply...

15 Magical Facts About the Disney Films We Know and Love

Disney is an indelible part of most of our childhoods, whether or not we ever visited a park in person. If your parents didn’t have the money for a trip like that, no problem – there were new films, all the time, being delivered to a movie theater right down the street. Now, kids don’t...

16 Magical Disney Facts Straight From the Vault

You’d be hard pressed to find people in the world who don’t like Disney – or, at the very least, who don’t have to admit that Disney is extremely good at what they do. You’d have an easier time finding people who are absolutely bonkers for all things Disney, in my experience, but you don’t...

22 Jokes for the Horror Fans Among Us

Everyone knows that people who love horror movies are a special breed. They love to scare themselves silly, and it’s almost impossible to find a movie they would say goes too far. If you’re one of those folks, or you know and love one, you’re definitely going to want to scroll and share these 23...

What Unrealistic Things in Movies Really Annoy You? Here’s What Folks Had to Say.

I love movies and have since I was a little kid. But still, even I, as a film lover, admit that there are a lot of unrealistic things we see in movies that tend to happen over and over again. What unrealistic things in movies annoy you? Here’s how folks on AskReddit responded. 1. The...

People Talk About the Unrealistic Things in Movies That Really Bother Them

I have a very distinct memory of seeing the movie Speed in the theater when I was younger. It was really exciting, and when the part when the out-of-control bus being driven by Sandra Bullock jumped that HUGE section of highway and landed safely on the other side happened, two older gentlemen sitting in front of me...

17 Movies So Disturbing People Swear They’ll Never Watch Them Again

There are people who like scary movies, and people who watch any sort of movie, and more people who will watch something their friends recommend, even if it’s not their typical vibe. Even for those people who seek out the scary and disturbing, though, some films take it too far – or at least, like...