

What’s Something a Younger Person Wouldn’t Understand if You Told Them? Here’s What People Said.

I said something about dial-up Internet to my 15-year-old niece recently and she looked at me like I was from Mars. Whoops, sorry! I forgot that you were born in 2007 and I’m sorry I bothered you! Kids today… AskReddit users talked about something they could say that younger people wouldn’t understand. 1. It was...

What Do Most People Love That You Can’t Stand? Here’s What People Said.

Let’s not beat around the bush here… A lot of people out there have…bad taste…in just about everything. And today we’re gonna hear from folks on AskReddit about what they can’t stand that everyone else seems to love. Let’s take a look! 1. Not gonna happen! “Having my picture taken and being told to “smile...

18 Iconic TV And Film Roles That Should Never Be Re-Made

There are some Hollywood remakes or reimagining that have gone over surprisingly well – most superhero franchises have gone through re-castings and come out unscathed, and I really enjoyed the redo of Fright Night – but sometimes we watch a performance and just know it can never be replicated. These 18 people have some very good...

12 People Share What Most People Love but They Can’t Stand

How much time you got?!?! I ask that because yes, there are a lot of things that the general public seems to like that I just really don’t understand. But that’s just me… And now it’s time to take a look at what AskReddit users had to say about this. 1. Blasphemy! “Wine. I am...

10 Celebrities Who Come From Wealthy Families

I guess it’s not too surprising that a number of celebrities grew up wealthy. As with everything in life, a lot of where people end up is based on who they know…or who they’re related to. Take a look at this list of 10 celebs who grew up with money. 1. Ariana Grande Grande’s mother...

13 People Share Things They Could Say to Young Folks That They Wouldn’t Understand

Time flies, huh? You better believe it! And these kids today sometimes need a reminder that we old timers have been around the block! AskReddit users talked about things they could say to young people that they wouldn’t understand. Dig in! 1. That thing went on forever! “The long phone cord that became elongated over...

17 Actors Who Nailed Roles So Hard No One Else Should Even Try

There are always going to be performances that end up surprising us (Robert Pattinson as Batman, anyone?), but for the most part, there are some iconic roles that can just never be repeated. I have a short list in my mind, and I know that you probably do, too – but let’s check out what...

Ohio State’s Marching Band Rocks Some Pretty Impressive Tributes to Comic Books, TV, Bands, and Movies

I’ve been to a few college football games in my life and, if I’m being honest, I’ve was never really WOWED by any halftime shows. But by the looks of what the Ohio State Marching Band has been up to, college bands have really upped the ante in recent years. Here’s a video showing the...