

10 Great Facts We Think Will Impress You

It can be hard to sort through the endless amount of information out there on social media and the Internet. Where’s the good stuff? The interesting stuff? Heck, where’s the REAL stuff? Well, look no further, because we consistently bring you great fact sets that will pique your curiosity and, most importantly, IMPRESS YOU. Hey,...

25 People Share the Family Secrets They Inadvertently Discovered

My family is pretty tame, to the point where I was always a little surprised when my friends told me stories about their crazy parents. Growing up, I never understood quite how lucky I was to have a boring family – at least until I had already moved out. And reading these 25 AskReddit users stories about...

10 Facts That Made Us Feel Revitalized and Renewed

Feeling a bit down? A little worn out? In a big rut? Well, no more, I say! These facts are gonna give you a big, big boost and will make you feel revitalized. After all, it worked for us. We feel smarter, stronger and ready to take on the world! Let’s go! 1. A pioneer...

16 People Share the Everyday Things That Scares Them Silly

We all have those things that don’t bother some people, but that frighten us to death. For me, it’s stinging insects and the remote possibility that I’m going to look up and see a murderer’s face pressed against an un-curtained window after dark. For other people it’s spiders, or parties, or whatever. If you’re curious...

10 Things People Used to Think Were True About the Female Body

Seemingly since the dawn of time, fallacies have existed about women’s bodies. Medieval ways of thinking led to many false conclusions about the female body. In fact, there are still some people who believe those crazy notions. Luckily for women today, some of the craziest ideas about the female body have long been proven wrong....

People Share Naughty Life Advice That We Should All Know

Hey, not all life advice is bright and cheery…and it’s not all naughty, either. But there’s a lot of naughty stuff we need to know about in our lives, so this information will be useful. Here are some words of naughty wisdom from folks on AskReddit. Let’s take a look. 1. For the ladies. “If...

Take a Look at These Vulgar Pieces of Life Advice That People Offered Up

Most of us receive advice on an almost daily basis about our jobs, our love lives, and various other topics, but sometimes we need to hear the nitty-gritty, you know what I’m saying? I’m talking about vulgar life advice. We need it! So let’s hear all about it! Here’s what AskReddit users had to say....

15 People Talk About Off-Color Advice That Everyone Should Take Note Of

We have mentors in our lives for work, school, and general life advice, but what about stuff that people don’t necessarily like to talk about openly? I’m talking about s*x, relationships, health, etc. Or, stuff that isn’t routinely brought up at the dinner table or at lunch in the office. But this kind of stuff...