10 Facts That Might Send You Down a Rabbit Hole
There’s nothing more exciting, to me at least, than learning about new subjects and then doing a DEEEEP dive into them. It could be history, science, sports, pop culture, politics, etc. It’s all fair game! And with the Internet, we literally have all the information in the world at our fingertips. That’s why Wikipedia was...
“Cold Reading” and More Devious Tricks Psychics Use to Fool People
People call on psychics for a number of reasons. To gain some guidance in their lives, to try to reconnect with loved ones who have passed away, or just to experience the thrill of being in the presence of someone with abilities of which most of us could never dream. And although psychics undoubtedly give...
Netflix Has a New Zany Gameshow Perfect for Sleep-Deprived Parents
Parents everywhere should sign up to be a contestant on Netflix’s new zany game show, Awake: The Million Dollar Game. Contestants are required to stay awake for 24 hours to play for a million dollars. Seems easy for any mom or dad, right? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JuZhewl8P0 Maybe, maybe not. Within that 24-hour period, they are tasked with counting...
Frequently Attending Concerts Makes You Happier, Says Study
Nothing brings people together like a musical performance. Singing along with a few thousand of your best friends to a great song makes for a positive outlook and other warm, fuzzy emotions that carry over to the next day and beyond. We’ve all been there. Research validates those good vibrations. Psychologists, Melissa K. Weinberg and...
Adorable Families Are Gathering to Take Pictures of 4 Generations, All Together
Have you ever stopped to look at your parents, grandparents, or great-grandparents? If you are lucky enough to have all generations still living, I suggest taking a photo! If not, root around your old pictures and take a peek. Can you see how you resemble each generation? Maybe it’s in the eyes, the lips, or even...
15 Things People Claim They Can’t Unsee
There are some things in life you’d better be sure you want to see, because once you do, you’ll never be able to not see it again (the arrow in the FedEx logo, anyone?). Someone on Reddit asked others what falls into that category for them, and the netizens have got some good ones –...
What Loneliness Does to Your Health
Everyone is lonely sometimes; if it weren’t so universal, there wouldn’t be so many songs about it. If you move to a new city, or break up with your boyfriend, or lose a family member, you’ll probably feel lonely for a while. In fact, loneliness is a perfectly normal emotion – as long as it...