8 Things You Might Not Know Were Banned from the White House
The White House is an historic symbol of American pride and freedom. And because it is both the home and office of the President, there are a great many rules about who can come and go and what they can bring with them. Obviously the public can’t bring in things like weapons. But it might...
12 People Explain How Teaching Abroad Can Be Both Amazing and Terrifying
When I was young and hungry for adventure, I wish I would have seriously considered teaching English abroad. What an amazing experience it must be! Getting paid to immerse yourself in a completely different place, life, and culture? Here is what 12 young people had to say about why they went, and how teaching English...
13 Young People Look for Love and Adventure by Teaching English Abroad
It’s easy to feel lost right after college. Too many people ask what you’re going to do with the rest of your life. And who’s ready to think about 401ks and health insurance in their 20s? When they’re not ready to face “real life” yet, a lot of young people turn to teaching English abroad....
21 Infographics That Show There’s an Infographic for Everything
Remember how about ten years ago people would make jokes that there’s an app for everything? Well these days, the same could be said for infographics. Here are 21 completely random infographics that prove there really is one for every situation. 1. When you need to borrow the TARDIS Talk about a beautiful chronology of...
12 Pictures That Use a “Human For Scale” to Show Us the Size an Object Really Is
Some objects aren’t things that most of us see on a regular basis – or ever at all – and so it can be hard to imagine how large or small it is, even if we know intellectually that it’s an extreme size on one end of the scale or the other. One easy way...
14 “Humans For Scale” Images That Really Put Things Into Perspective
When things are extremely big or extremely small, it can be hard to visualize just how big or small they are until you put something next to it that you can visualize without being there yourself. One thing we can all reasonably estimate is the size of a human being, since we’re all, you know, human beings....
17 People Share the Facts That Continue to Amaze Them
Facts are cool little things – like knowledge in a nutshell – and we all have those favorite tidbits that are perfectly sharable, like a good snack. We bust them out whenever and wherever we can, because they’re nearly always a winner. These 17 people are sharing their favorite facts like those – the ones...
16 Facts People Love To Share
Some facts come and go – in one ear and out the other. Still others are mildly interesting, and might snag in your mind, but aren’t the sort of thing that would interest people in general. Then there are those special facts. Our favorite facts, the ones we can never forget, that continue to blow...