

People Talk About the Biggest Mysteries of Their Lives That They’ll Never Solve

What’s the biggest mystery of your life that you just can’t explain? Maybe it’s something huge and monumental, or maybe it’s something small and seemingly inconsequential but it still lingers in the back of your brain and you think about it every now and then. Either way, life sure is strange and it’s full of...

People Discuss the Mysteries From Their Own Lives That They’ll Probably Never Solve

Life sure can be tricky, huh? You think you have everything figured out and then BAM!, you get hit with something totally weird that you really can’t explain… Has something like this ever happened to you before? It could be a big mystery or just a little one, but either way, they can gnaw at...

Here’s Why Some People Are REALLY Afraid of Clowns

People have all kinds of phobias. And because they’re phobias – defined as irrational fears – most of them don’t really make sense to those of us who don’t experience them. In fact, this University of Sheffield study found that in a group of 250 children, aged 4 to 16, most disliked clowns, according to...

The Longest Word in the English Language Is Over 180,000 Letters Long

Words are super fun, if you ask me and the other word nerds of the world. They’re interesting, they lend us insight, and sometimes, they just make for fun trivia. Like, for instance, the answer to the question, “what’s the longest word in the English language?” If you don’t know the answer, hold on –...

Someone Posted a Video Showing What It’s Like to Ride Space Mountain With the Lights on and People Are Freaked Out

Most people like roller coasters. They provide park-goers with a rush of adrenaline that keeps them coming back for more. Match that with the magical production value of Disney Parks and you have yourself the vacation of a lifetime. But what if that magical production value were to disappear? Have you ever considered what it...

14 Memes that Will Teach You Something New

I love learning new things. Especially tidbits of information that aren’t necessary to know, but once you learn them you feel cool for being in the know. You know? Knowledge is power. It’s always impressive when people can rattle off obscure facts and trivia. So check out these 14 informative memes and you too can...

People Share What Things Turned Out to Be Valuable That They Thought Were Junk

One person’s trash is another person’s treasure. Or maybe what one person THINKS is trash is another person’s treasure. That certainly seems to be the case in these tales from people who found what they thought was junk but it turned out to be valuable. Let’s check out some cool stories from folks on AskReddit....

People Share the Moment They Realized, ‘Wow, I’m Old’

We all have this moment at one point or another in our lives… I’m talking about when it suddenly hits you and you say to yourself…wow, I’m old. I think for me, it came when I tuned into the Grammys a few years back and had absolutely no idea who any of the people were...