People Can’t Stop Talking About How Coca-Cola Tic Tacs Taste Exactly Like an Ice-Cold Coke
If you’re someone who enjoys regular Coca-Cola, then you know there’s nothing quite like a cold one to hit the (sweet) spot. But what if you could get the same feeling from a Tic Tac? It sounds a bit crazy, that’s exactly what people claim they’re getting from the most recent offering from the “mint”...
What do People Totally Waste Their Money On? These 15 People Sound Off.
It’s pretty weird to learn about what other people spend their money on. Of course, some folks have more cash than others, so buying gold-plated toilet paper rolls might not sound as crazy from one person to the next. But still, people seem to have pretty strong opinions about this subject. AskReddit users weighed in...
15 People Talk About the Times They Went From Caring About Someone to Loathing Them
Have you ever had someone in your life screw you over so bad or do something so unforgivable that you went from caring about them to hating them just like that? Like a switch just flipped? Unfortunately, people can be really shitty to each other, so this happens all the time. People on AskReddit shared...
Here’s Why Some Squirrels Are Black
I consider myself an expert on squirrels. My qualifications, if you would like them, include living in the Midwest and keeping both bird feeders and a garden at my house. And even though I would like to strangle squirrels every day, so far their dumb, cute little faces have stopped me from committing rodentacide. SO...
English Is Hard: Learn About Misplacing and Dangling Modifiers
When I started writing four years ago, I had no idea the level of proper grammar that lay beneath simple and complex sentences. Sure, I could write paragraphs, knew about subjects, verbs, and punctuation, but to know the intricacies within the study of grammar was beyond me. It wasn’t until I met my editor for...
16 History Memes That Just Might Teach You Something
For some reason, almost all kids hate history in middle and high school. Personally, I think it has something to do with so many history teachers at those levels being coaches who do the bare minimum in the classroom…but that might just be my own experience talking. I’m someone who grew to love history in...
14 Facts That Are Totally True, but Very Hard to Believe
That moment when someone tells you something, and you have to decide whether or not they’re screwing with you…and find out they’re not. What we’ve got here are 14 facts that are going to send you straight to Google so you can verify. And when you find out we were playing it straight, well, your...
Donnie Wahlberg Left a $2020 Tip for His IHOP Server
If you, like me, have spend any time in your life waiting tables, you know what a rollercoaster trying to estimate your monthly income can be – mostly because, no matter how good you are at your job or how many shifts you work, you can never predict what sort of tips folks are going...