

What Insult Did Your Parents Say to You That Still Sticks in Your Head? People Shared Their Stories.

People never forget some things… Especially when they hear bad things from their parents when they’re growing up. And today we’re going to hear from AskRedddit users about insults they heard from their parents that still stick with them. Take a look at what they had to say. Now you know why… ““You’re so annoying.”...

Woman Asks if She’s a Jerk for Bailing Out on Her Girls Trip

Things have to be pretty bad if you’re already ON YOUR WAY to the airport for a trip with your friends and you decide to turn around and go home. So what happened with this woman that caused her to make this decision? Read her story below to get all the details and see if...

She Made Her Girlfriend Cheap Lasagna. Is She a Jerk?

You have the nerve to make the cheap stuff?!?! What were you thinking?!?! Yes, folks, that’s what we’re dealing with here… So is this woman an a**hole for making her girlfriend cheap lasagna? Check out her story and see what you think. AITA for making my girlfriend cheap lasagna ? “I (24F) make a delicious...

She Won’t Pay For Her Son’s Wedding if She Can’t Invite Some Family Members. Did She Go Too Far?

Laying down an ultimatum, are we? Well, it sure sounds like it! But there’s more to the story here, friends. This woman told her son that she wouldn’t pay for his wedding if she wasn’t allowed to invite certain family members. Did she go too far? Read on to get all the details and see...

She Left When Her Brother-In-Law Wouldn’t Let Her Use His Hot Tub. Is She Wrong?

No hot tub? Then I’m OUTTA HERE. Whoa! This is kind of a new one, huh? And that’s not easy to pull off on Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page! But here we are, friends! Read the story below and see if you think this woman acted like an a**hole. AITA for leaving when my...

He Said “I Told You So” to His Girlfriend When He Was Right About Something. Is He a Jerk?

I’d say it’s a bad idea about 99.9% of the time to say “I told you so” to someone. It rarely ends well! But maybe this guy falls into that .1%, right? I guess anything is possible… But the only way to find out is to read his story and let us know in the...

Is She Wrong for Not Paying Her Boyfriend Back After He Got the Wrong Birthday Cake? People Responded.

Well, this sounds kinda harsh… Not paying your own boyfriend back because he got the wrong birthday cake? Hmmm…there must be more to the story, right? The only way to find out is to read the story below and see what you think! Get started now! AITA for not paying my boyfriend back after he...

Woman Asks if She’s Wrong for Reporting a Friend to His Work and Getting Him Fired

Sometimes, I guess you just have to report people, you know what I’m saying? Well, at least that’s what it sounds like in this story from Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page. But was this woman out of line for doing this? Read her story below and see what you think. AITA for reporting my...