

The Astrological Signs as Represented by ‘Star Trek’ Characters

What’s your sign? I’m sure you’ve heard that question many times in your life, right? Well, you’re about to see a fun new spin on your astrological sign right here. Some clever person has taken all 12 astrological signs and paired them up with characters from ‘Star Trek’. I have to say, these are pretty...

NASA Recently Released the Highest Resolution Photo Ever of the Surface of Mars

Will we see a person set foot on Mars in our lifetime? That remains to be seen, but one thing is for sure, we sure seem to be getting a better understanding of what’s going on up there, thanks to NASA’s Curiosity Rover. https://www.instagram.com/p/B4hJpr2hbNT/ The Rover landed on Mars on August 6, 2012, and has...

10 Facts That Might Just Give You a New Perspective on Some Very Different Topics

Variety is the spice of life, right? That’s absolutely right! And that’s why awesome facts about all kinds of different topics never go out of style. Trust me on this one, okay? Here are 10 interesting facts that we think will make you think and reflect. Enjoy! 1. You still hear this all the time…...

This Video Shows the Real Size of Asteroids Compared to New York City

Outer space is full of many wonderful things! Other planets, stars, moons, and even cool-looking—but dangerous—asteroids. Everything is just fine as long as these asteroids stay in their place. Astronomers have named certain stand-out asteroids, and animator Alvaro Garcia Montoya decided to animate them and compare them to New York City so we could understand...

A Mysterious Deep Space Object Is Sending Signals to Earth Every 16 Days

Is something trying to communicate with us? Or maybe this is a warning of a pending alien invasion? The truth is out there somewhere, but for now, scientists are baffled by an object transmitting signals that hit Earth every 16 times. The object also happens to be 500 million light-years away. Scientists are at a...

An Astronaut Shared the Moment Her Dog Saw Her for the First Time in Almost a Year

Even though Christina Koch is a NASA astronaut, this video proves that she’s just a regular person who loves her pets like family just like the rest of us do. Koch recently spent almost a year in space (328 days, to be exact) and her journey was the longest ever in space for a woman....

13 Clever Ideas That Could Help Save Our Planet

If you say to yourself, “the problems with climate change and the environment have nothing to do with me and they’re way too big for me to do anything”, you’re WRONG. These issues involve all of us and we all have to do our part, no matter how small, to fight these threats. That’s why...