Here’s How Astronomers Captured Images Of A Giant Black Hole
If you think about it, taking pictures of a black hole almost sounds like an oxymoron. It’s complete blackness and it’s a hole, so how can we take pictures? As usual, though, scientists are about to show us how it’s done with some awe-inspiring images. Sagittarius A* is a supermassive black hole that sits at...
What Scientific Fact Blows Your Mind? Here’s What People Said.
I was never good at science in school… In fact, I was downright terrible at it. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t appreciate awesome science facts! And AskReddit users were nice enough to share some great ones with us. Take a look! 1. Preserved. “There are some Ice Age animals that are so perfectly...
12 People Share Scientific Facts That Blow Their Minds
I really wish I could contribute to this conversation, but the fact is that I’m terrible at all things science-related. But I do love good science facts, there’s no doubt about that! What scientific fact blows your mind? Here’s what AskReddit users had to say about this. 1. That is crazy. “The time period in...
Overweight Person Made a Dinner Awkward When They Were Served Less Food Than Others. Did She Overreact?
I’m not gonna lie, this story made me cringe when I read it. And if you don’t think there is discrimination against overweight people in our society, you’re not paying attention. Take a look at this story from Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page and see what happened to an overweight person at a dinner....
Scientists Are Planning to Build Noah’s Ark on the Moon
I have to say, there are plenty of headlines I never expected to write since I started writing articles for you lovely people, and this is definitely one of them. I mean…Noah’s Ark? On the moon? Let’s dig in here and get started on answering the many, many questions that you’ve probably already got brewing,...
Wormholes Could Exist in the Real World – and They Could Be Safe for Humans
With the way science and scientific research is going, it seems like life in our beloved science fiction stories could end up being a reality one day – even if that one day remains so far off that we’ll probably never get to see it ourselves. One thing that has fascinated humans for years, whether...
Scientists Say a Warp Drive Might Someday Be a Reality
The only reason that shows and movies like Star Trek and Star Wars aren’t incredibly boring to watch is that they can “warp” or “go into hyperdrive” and pop from one end of their universe (or ours) in the blink of an eye. If we had to watch while they actually made their way across space, well…they would never...
The “Red Planet” Isn’t as Red as You Might Think
Mars has gotten the nickname “the red planet” because of the way the surface shows up a rusty color in the images we get from the many NASA probes and expeditions we’ve been lucky to successfully launch. What if I told you, though, that’s it’s really just the dirt – that the redness of the...