

The Polar Vortex Caused Mysterious Loud Booms Underneath the Ground of Chicago

The “polar vortex” is more than just a name for extremely cold weather. The polar vortex is an actual whirling cone of low pressure, hanging out over the poles of the Earth. Its terrifying name is fitting, because when the polar vortex moves south, it has some seriously bizarre and disturbing effects. Like, for example,...

Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Heat up Your Car in Cold Weather

Most of us in the United States have been trudging through a particularly cold, wet winter. Here in the Midwest there’s still no end in sight, and, as someone with a one-car garage and two little kids, warming up the car has been one of the only ways to survive it. And I’m not alone...

The 13 Best Comebacks to People Who Don’t Believe in Climate Change

It blows my mind that in 2019 people still deny climate change exists. And insist that global warming is a hoax. I mean, it’s only the planet we’re talking about, right? We can get another one, right? All of these people know what’s up and they had the perfect responses to idiotic posts that deny...

An Anonymous Donor Paid for 70 Homeless People to Stay in a Chicago Hotel During the Polar Vortex

Last week’s polar vortex that battered a large portion of the Midwest had many people concerned about how homeless populations would remain safe during the dangerously frigid temperatures. There were news reports of people freezing to death in different states, and the threat was real for thousands of homeless people who routinely sleep outside through the...

Bored People Are Throwing Boiling Water into the Freezing Wind During the Polar Vortex

When you’re forced to stay inside like so many Midwesterners are right now because of the record-breaking cold temperatures, you have to come up with things to alleviate the cabin fever. Schools are closed, offices are closed, and the bottom line is that no one is leaving the house unless it’s absolutely necessary. So what can...

20 Photos That Perfectly Capture How Insanely Cold It Is Across the U.S.

This polar vortex is NO JOKE, FOLKS. We’re talking about plummeting temperatures that haven’t been seen in a generation. And people across America are weighing in about just how freezing it is on social media. If you’re in one of these ice cold places, stay warm. If you’re not, pay attention to these posts and...

What Is a Polar Vortex?

The last several days we’ve all been inundated with stories and photos of the polar vortex that descended on the Midwest and caused temperatures to plummet to lows not seen in decades. Residents of Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, and other states experienced temperatures as low as 30 degrees below Fahrenheit, with harsh wind chills...

10 Tips for Making Winter More Tolerable

Snow is lovely … for a short while. After a few days, not so much. Shoveling snow and scraping ice off your car are tedious tasks, and your commute takes even longer than usual because of all the people who don’t know how to drive in weather. It sucks, but it can be slightly better....