

People Share Positive Things Going in Around the World These Days

The last couple of years have been pretty terrible… And even though we’re making some improvement, there are still so many terrible things going on around the world right now that it can really make people depressed. So that’s why we’re gonna focus on the good stuff today! AskReddit users talked about positive things going...

31 People Share Important Things They’ve Learned During These Tough Times

Who would have thought that 2020 and 2021 would be like this? I know that I’d never thought I’d see a pandemic completely turn the world upside down during my lifetime. Well, at least we can say that many of us have looked inside ourselves to really figure out what we want out of life...

People Admit Things That They Truly Don’t Understand

BIOLOGY. I tried to take Basic Biology 101 a couple of different times when I went to college and I just couldn’t make any sense of it. Cells? Pssshhhhtttt. Sorry, professor, I’m dropping your class…again… What makes absolutely no sense to you? Here’s what AskReddit users had to say about this. 1. Let’s start from...

27 People Talk About What They Want to See but They Won’t Be Alive to Enjoy It

I know that it’s not possible (yet), but I love to daydream about time traveling. And maybe they’ll discover it’s possible long after I’m gone…I guess you never know… What’s something you’d like to see but you won’t be alive for? Here’s how folks on AskReddit responded. 1. That would be awesome. “Human teleportation as...

What’s a Very Odd Psychological Phenomenon? Here’s What People Said.

The human brain is fascinating! And one of the most fascinating aspects of it is that so much of it is still a mystery to us. So that means there are a whole lot of strange things going on… Folks on AskReddit talked about very odd psychological phenomena. Let’s get weird. 1. Extreme stress. “Tachypsychia....

What Paradoxes Make Your Brain Hurt? Here’s What People Had to Say.

You’re freaking me out and I feel like my brain is gonna explode! Okay, maybe that’s a bit overdramatic, but paradoxes do make me think…and they can frustrate the hell out of me, too. People took to AskReddit to talk about the paradoxes that make their brains hurt. Let’s see what they had to say....

14 Products So Innovative They’re Bound To Give You Grabby Hands

There are tons of products out there that promise to “change your life” or to be something “you need in your house,” but if we’re being honest, how many of them actually follow through? I would guess not that many, but that’s not the case with the 14 products on this list – because i...

16 Cool Designs That Need To Be Shared Times A Million

It can be easy to find and point out the terrible designs around us – and there are plenty of examples, it turns out – but don’t you think that the people out there really knocking stuff out of the park need to be recognized, too? If you need some receipts before you make that...