

What Do You Remember Being New Technology That Is Now Obsolete? People Responded.

You know you’re starting to get a little long in the tooth when you see brand new technology hit the market…and then you see it go away. I might be wrong about this one, but I remember my older brother getting a Walkman when I was very young and I think they were pretty new…and...

12 People Talk About Inventions They Think Did More Harm Than Good

It’s kind of fascinating to think about what inventors really had in mind when they came up with new ideas. And it’s also interesting to ponder whether they could really comprehend where their inventions would eventually go and what kind of impact they would have on the world. Folks on AskReddit shared what inventions they...

What Invention Has Done More Harm Than Good? People Shared Their Thoughts.

Right off the top of my head, I’d have to say that weapons of war have probably done more harm than good in this world…but I’m sure some people would argue with me on that one… What invention do you think has done more harm than good? AskReddit users shared their thoughts. 1. You’ve seen...

This Radioactive Diamond Battery Can Run Practically Forever

I’m being a bit hyperbolic with the title, because the diamond-powered battery in question can only run for around 28,000 years, not forever forever, but when we’re talking about the framework of a human lifespan, well…forgive me. Basically, if it started powering something today and humanity went extinct, there would still be evidence that humans existed...

What Sounds Futuristic but Is Happening Now? People Shared Their Thoughts.

We’re truly living in amazing times. People are flying into outer space, we have contraptions in our pockets that give us all the information we’d ever want to know, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. The possibilities seem endless right now! And there are a lot more futuristic things going on than you...

Here’s How You Can Tell if Hackers Are Selling Your Facebook Data

If you’re on social media but not spending at least a little time worrying about your personal data and whether or not you should be doing more to fix it, please, tell me your secrets to an anxiety free life. If you do worry, but you’re not sure how to go about protecting your data,...

Here’s How You Can Delete Yourself From Google Searches

There are a lot of great things about living in the age of the internet, but listen. Not everyone likes the idea of random people being able to learn things about their family and lives with a simple Google search. It can make a person uncomfortable even if they don’t have something to hide, but that...

Even Scientists Make Mistakes, and Sometimes They Create New Fish

The thing about science is that it’s a process. It follows a method, but it’s all about learning. And sometimes the best learning comes from mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes, right? Well last year, scientists at a lab in Hungary had a real OOPS moment. But after the OOPS comes the learning. Their hearts were in...