

This AI App Let’s You See Yourself Throughout Recorded History

Have you ever wondered what you would have looked like in Ancient Rome? In Jane Austen‘s world? How about during the Renaissance, or as an American pioneer? I know many people feel as if they would have been better off born an earlier time for one reason or another, and maybe that’s why everyone is...

16 People Weigh In On Whether Or Not The U.S. Should Ban TikTok

The U.S. government had already banned the use of TikTok on government property, but could they go so far as to ban the app in the States altogether? It seems hard to believe that kind of censorship could get real traction, but honestly, nothing feels as if it’s out of the realm of possibility these...

7 Child Prodigies Who Did Truly Incredible Things

I love hearing about people who are considered child prodigies and to learn about the amazing things they accomplished at early ages in the arts, science, music, sports, etc. Here are 7 child prodigies who did incredible things by the time they were 11-years-old. 1. Kim Ung-Yong I guess some people are just born geniuses...

A Newly Designed Passenger Plane Has the Potential to Cross the Atlantic in Under Four Hours

If you’re looking to travel across the pond in a hurry, you might be in luck sooner than later…and we’ll tell you about that in just a minute… But first, let’s get some background. On February 7, 1996, the Concorde hypersonic jet made the journey from JFK to Heathrow airports in just 2 hours, 52...

13 People Talk About Things Only Internet Veterans Would Remember

Do you remember the early days of the Internet? Or are you a young whipper-snapper who doesn’t remember the old days when the Internet DIDN’T EVEN EXIST? Yes, it’s true! And today you’re about to get your mind blown by some folks on AskReddit who remember what the Internet was like in the early days....

12 People Share Who They Think Are the Most Evil Human Beings Alive Today

There’s no doubt about it, there are a lot of evil people in the world. Politicians, world leaders, criminals, scammers, outlaws, etc. They’re out there and the more people know about them, the better. So who are the most evil people still alive today? AskReddit users shared their thoughts about this. 1. Heard of him?...

14 People Share What They Think Will End With Millennials

Hey, Millennials aren’t gonna be around forever, you know… It’s true! But have you ever thought about what will go away when those folks aren’t around any longer? Here’s what folks had to say about this on AskReddit. 1. For real! “Memory of life without the Internet. I don’t think a lot of people appreciate...

What Will End With Millennials? Here’s What People Said.

Millennials are people who were born between 1981 and 1996, so they still have a lot of living ahead of them. But, still, have you ever thought about what will go away when all the Millennials are gone? Check out what folks had to say about this on AskReddit. 1. Yup. “Being able to navigate...