

People Reveal Their Big Break up Stories

Break ups can be absolutely brutal. Think about your worst break up. Now imagine breaking your arm. If you had to pick between living out one of those two experiences this year, which would you choose? It’s kind of a no-brainer in favor of the bone shatter, right? Of course, it doesn’t always go terribly....

15 People Share The Normal Things That Make Them Feel Guilty As Heck

If you grew up in a religious environment or with super strict parents, then you probably had a mental (or maybe an actual) list of “sins” that you were to avoid – and in the cases when you didn’t, you knew you were going to feel super guilty. But what about the things in life...

10 Celebrities Who Don’t Bathe Often, And 10 Who Love Them

Listen, y’all. I cannot believe that there are so many people in this world who are actually concerned with how often other people bathe. I’m someone who does not enjoy baths or showers, and so washing every day is just never going to happen. I’m married to someone who showers every day, sometimes twice, and...

16 People Muse On What No Longer Needs To Exist In The Modern World

We have so, so many things in this world that our grandparents could never have imagined, never mind our ancestors further back than that. We’re constantly innovating, developing new normals, and increasing the ease with which we can navigate this world. Why, then, do these 16 things still exist at all? We don’t have answers,...

11 People Who Weren’t Content Resting on Their Laurels

There’s nothing wrong with taking a pause, looking around, and enjoying where you’re at in life. That said, you’ll never be getting your own Wikipedia page listing your many achievements if you get stuck there. Take a page from these 11 people’s books – they definitely didn’t rest on their laurels, and look what they’ve...

14 People Share How Working in Europe Differs From Working in the United States

You probably realize that people in other parts of the world get way more time off every year than people who live in the United States – and if you didn’t, I’m sorry. That’s something you can never un-know now. Basically, in other places employees are allowed to turn off their email or their phone...

Mom Won’t Let Her Daughter Read Above Her Age Group. Is She a Jerk?

Parents try to put a lot of restrictions on kids and each mom or dad out there is free to raise their kids the best way they see fit. But this one strikes me as kind of weird…if I’m being totally honest. Check out this story about a mom who wants to know if she’s...

15 Treasure Troves People Found Metal Detecting

There’s a great, cozy little show called Detectorists that centers around a couple of old friends and their frequently fruitless hobby scanning the countryside with metal detectors, ostensibly in search of some great unknown treasure. The show, of course, isn’t really about metal detectors, it’s about friendship and fulfillment and life and love and all...