She Refuses to Help Her Family Without a Written Agreement. Is She’s Wrong?
You know that things probably aren’t going too well if you won’t help out your family unless you have some guidelines in writing… But family dynamics are complicated! And this person seems like they’re really going through it with their loved ones. But are they acting like an a**hole? Take a look at their story...
What Disappeared and No One Seemed to Notice? Here’s What People Said.
It’s funny how certain things just disappear from our lives and most folks don’t even notice. It might be a product, or a drink, or a certain kind of food… The possibilities are endless! And today we’re going to hear from folks on AskReddit about this subject. Take a look at what they had to...
Is He Wrong for Asking for More Money for His Car? People Responded.
Money, money, money, all about that money! That’s usually what should be going on in your head if you’re selling someone a car, but what about when it comes to a family member? Does it make someone an a**hole to ask for more cash? Check out this guy’s story and see if you think he...
People Talk About the Jobs They Think Are Overvalued and Overpaid
Yes, the world is unfair. No, there’s nothing you can do about it…unless you want to complain! And today we’re gonna hear a bunch of folks complain on AskReddit about jobs they think are overvalued and overpaid. Let’s take a look! Wow. “Life coach. This girl I know became a life coach and charges $300-500...
What Industry Do You Think Is Legal Organized Crime? People Shared Their Thoughts.
It’s funny how things can change in regard to this topic… Industries that were once illegal become legal and vice versa. It’s pretty weird, don’t you think? And today we’re going to hear from folks on AskReddit about what industries they believe are basically legal organized crime. Take a look at what they had to...
What Industry Do You Hope Won’t Exist in Ten Years? Here’s What People Had to Say.
Well, this promises to be an interesting conversation! Because if there’s anything that gets people fired up, it’s what they perceive to be injustice or illegal, shady activities. So let’s hear from folks on AskReddit about the industries they hope aren’t around ten years from now. They’re everywhere. “Pyramid schemes and MLMs. The amount of...
Person Asks if They’re Wrong for Not Giving Their up Their First Class Seat on a Plane for Their Boss
Get in the back of the plane with the peasants! Okay, that’s probably not the smartest thing to say to YOUR BOSS, but would you give up your First Class seat…for anyone? Well, that’s the dilemma at the heart of this person’s story…see what you think! AITA for not giving my boss my first class...
What Are Red Flags to Look Out for in a Job Interview? People Shared Their Thoughts.
Job interviews are never much fun to begin with, but things can really go off the rails when you start to get that second sense that something about the workplace is just…wrong. For whatever reason, you get that feeling in your stomach that makes you think you need to get the hell out of there....