

These People Are No Longer Bound By Their NDA, And They Have Stories To Tell

If you’ve ever worked in an industry or for a company that has some pretty juicy trade secrets to keep, then you might have probably been asked to sign a NDA. You know, just in case. Those things expire, though, for one reason or another, and people are able to share – so if you’re...

12 People Talk About Jobs They Think Are Way Overpaid

I would never dream of asking someone how much money they make but some people have just offered that information up in conversation from time to time and I get blown away by what some people tell me… Especially when they can’t really describe what they do…because maybe they don’t even know… What jobs out...

What Jobs Are Overpaid? People Shared Their Thoughts.

I think we can all agree that certain jobs are definitely UNDERPAID. Like firefighters, teachers, and police officers. But what jobs do you think overpay people? Take a look at what AskReddit users had to say about this. 1. Civilian contractor. “My mom once got a job as a civilian contractor working for the federal...

12 People Share the Industries They Wouldn’t Miss if They Went Away Forever

I have a question for you and I want you to take your time and think about it… If certain industries were to go away FOREVER, which ones would you definitely NOT miss? Something to think about, right? Take a look at what AskReddit users had to say about this interesting question… 1. Shady. “Political...

15 Legal – But Not Exactly Ethical – Ways To Make Some Cash

We all want to have enough money to feel secure in life, and to have at least a little leftover to have some fun, buy our kids nice things, and take some vacations, right? Also, you probably realize by now that when it comes to ethics and morals, humans definitely have a sliding scale. So,...

12 People Share What They Think Is Unnecessarily Expensive

In case you haven’t been paying attention to the news, we’re living in a time of inflation so pretty much everything seems like it’s expensive right now. And it really hits you in the wallet, doesn’t it?!?! Hopefully, we can get back on track sooner than later…we’ll see. Until then, let’s check out what AskReddit...

What Brands Aren’t Worth the Money? People Shared Their Thoughts.

Are you the kind of person who is loyal to certain brands? Brands of clothes, cars, furniture, etc? Well, if you are, I bet you also have brands that you definitely think are totally overrated and overpriced. Check out what brands these AskReddit users think charge way too much and we’ll see you in the...

If You Love Your Job, What Do You Do for a Living? People Responded.

I have to say, now that I have a job that I like, I kind of appreciate all the jobs I had that I didn’t like at all for so many years. But some people go through their whole lives without finding a job that they enjoy…and that’s a bummer, right? So, if you’re not...