12 People Share Company Secrets…Because They Don’t Work There Anymore
Every company big and small has a lot of secrets that they don’t want the world to know about. But a bunch of companies are in trouble now because we’re about to hear from AskReddit users who are spilling the beans about places where they don’t work anymore. Let’s take a look! 1. Hmmm… “The...
12 People Discuss Red Flags From Employers That You Should Be Aware Of
We hear a lot of stories about red flags that employers should look for when it comes to candidates, but what about the flip side? I’m talking about what people should be aware of when they’re looking at employers. Get it? Got it? Good! Check out what folks had to say about this on AskReddit....
What Fake Things Do People Still Believe In? Here’s What Folks Had to Say.
It seems like people believe in all kinds of fake things these days…and that’s not a good thing! Not good at all… What fake things do you think people believe in? AskReddit users shared their thoughts. 1. I trust them… “Product endorsements by celebrities. Tom Selleck is trying to get old people to sign up...
12 People Talk About What Jobs They Think Are Definitely Overpaid
A friend of mine told me not too long ago how much money he makes and I was pretty shocked, to say the least. You do what? And you make what?!?! Wow… Good for him, but still…I was very surprised… What jobs do you think are overpaid? Here’s what folks on AskReddit had to say....
What Job Is Romanticized but Actually Sucks? Here’s What People Said.
I have a good friend who works on TV shows and movies as a set decorator. Sounds pretty awesome, right? Guess what? He absolutely DESPISES his job. Kind of surprising… But you have to actually do a job to find out if it’s for you… AskReddit users talked about what jobs are romanticized but actually...
12 People Discuss Jobs That Are Romanticized but Actually Suck
A lot of jobs look GREAT on paper…but they actually suck. And you never really know that until you do it for yourself or you have someone in your life who does and gives you all the inside dirt. What job sounds great really sucks? Let’s see how AskReddit users responded to this. 1. Sounds...
What Should Be Much Cheaper Than It Is? Here’s What People Said.
Inflation is pretty out of control at the moment and we’re all feeling the rise in prices in pretty much everything we buy lately. But some things should just be cheaper no matter what the economy looks like. Let’s see what AskReddit users had to say about this. 1. Sucks. “Food – you shouldn’t have...
13 People Talk About What They Think Should Be Much Cheaper
Oh, boy, you know people are going to sound off about this. Because things are pretty pricey these days… What do you think should be cheaper? AskReddit users shared their thoughts. 1. What’s the deal? “Graphing calculators. It’s a scam to charge what they do for essentially no update in 30 years.” 2. Crazy stuff....