16 People Share the Most Disturbing Things They Witnessed at School
It’s a fact of life that kids do a lot of stupid things and a lot of mean things to themselves and to others. It’s a confusing time for a lot of people and the pressures of fitting in, being cool, and doing well in school make the whole experience kind of like a pressure...
14 People Talk About the Most Messed-Up Things They Ever Saw at School
Going to school while growing up is like a minefield filled with innumerable obstacles that kids have to navigate. Bullies, mean teachers, crazy coaches, raging hormones, etc. It’s a lot to deal with for young people. And you know with that many people thrown together under one roof, some weird and bad shit is gonna...
17 Teachers Get Real About The Darkest Experience They’ve Had With A Student
Teaching is one of the hardest and least appreciated professions in the world. You’re expected to not only teach kids but to care about them individually – their physical and mental well-being, their histories, their futures, their education – and to be the keepers of good relationships and experiences for each and every one of...
10 Facts That Might Pause and Make You Think
What are you doing with all your free time? Napping? Exercising? Cooking? All of those things are great, but you should also be LEARNING. And we’re a great resource for all kinds of interesting things, including FACTS. We have all kinds of great fact sets that make our readers think and they get exposed to...
14 Funny And Weird Photos About Zoom Classes
There are many downsides to online school, but if you ask me, there are also some upsides. I mean, besides being able to get up five minutes before class and not having to get dressed below the waist and all that good stuff – there are just hilarious mishaps happening every day. And because it’s...
12 Hilarious Spelling Mistakes That Could Make Your Head Hurt
Spelling isn’t easy, and being able to do it well (or not) isn’t a sign of how smart a person is (though it could be an indication of how well they studied for those tests in school, or in my case, how many books they devoured as children). That said, it can still be pretty...
15 Palindromes Words You Probably Have Seen But Never Realized
We all learned about palindromes – words that are spelled the same forward and backward – in school. They’re forever stuck in my head because of a short story I read at the time called Hannah is a Palindrome (which, now that I think about it, might be more about bullying than palindromes), but you,...
14 Super Funny Spelling Mistakes You Need to See
Spelling isn’t easy, and you should know by now that, grammar nerds be damned, being able to spell well without using Google or a dictionary is no indication of a person’s intelligence. Add legit spelling errors to autocorrect, and we’ve got a world rife for hilarity – something these 14 mistakes prove beyond the shadow...