This Person Asked if They’re Wrong for Telling People Their Dad Isn’t Paying Their Tuition
When it comes to whether or not parents are going to pay for their kids’ tuition, it can lead to some pretty hurt feelings. And this person shared their story on Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page to see if they acted like a jerk for telling the truth about who was paying their tuition....
Student Asks if They’re Wrong for Turning in a School Project That Shows Their Neighbors in a Bad Light
You never want to make your neighbors OR your neighborhood look bad, but what if it’s really the truth? This is the dilemma a student faced for a school project. Read their story to see if you think they acted like an a**hole. AITA for turning in a school project that showed my neighborhood and...
Photos of a University’s Classroom Compared to Its Football Locker Room Got People Talking
I went to a high school that was pretty crazy about its football program so it’s not too much of a shocker to me when I see stories about how much more seriously institutions take their sports teams as opposed to their actual education… And the number of resources they pour into them… But when...
What’s the Strangest Fact You Know? Here’s What People Said.
Is your brain full of weird facts that really have no reason for occupying space up there? Hey, me too! I’m glad I’m not the only one! Okay, now that we have that out of the way, let’s hear from AskReddit users about the strangest facts they know…for some reason. 1. Okay… “Shrimp live in...
What Ridiculous Things Are Still Being Taught to Kids? People Shared Their Thoughts.
No doubt about it, kids learn a lot of dumb stuff when they are growing up. Stuff that could and does affect them later in life. So maybe it’s best that some of that stuff fall by the wayside, you know? Check out the ridiculous things AskReddit users think are still being taught to the...
Man Asks if He Was Wrong for Calling His Girlfriend a “Trophy Wife”
Uh oh…you can tell from the title of this one that this supposed “joke” didn’t go over too well with this guy’s girlfriend… That’s why you gotta watch your mouths, fellas! Know what I’m saying? But, let’s read the whole story from Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page before we pass judgment, okay? Get started...
People Talk About Legal Scams That Are Still Happening Today
You probably already know this, but I’m gonna say it ONE MORE TIME. You gotta keep your eyes open because there are scammers everywhere trying to take advantage of people out there! And some of these scams are even legal. People took to AskReddit to warn about scams that still exist that are perfectly legal....
Was This Teacher Wrong To Tell Her Student “I Don’t Care?”
When we think of the good teachers of the world – the ones who put in extra time and care, who go above and beyond, and who would do almost anything to see their students succeed – we probably think of the word “care.” Sometimes, though, we know that working with kids means telling them...