What’s the Most Interesting Fact You Know? Here’s What People Said.
I love meeting new people from all different walks of life. Because they’re usually full of fascinating facts that I’ve never heard before! And that kind of info is what makes life interesting, my friends! So, in the spirit of learning about all kinds of cool stuff, enjoy these facts that AskReddit users were nice...
What’s Not a Cult but Feels Like One? Here’s What People Said.
There seem to be a lot of things out there that aren’t officially cults but seem like them. Sports fans, fanbases of certain bands and movie franchises… Heck, I guess I could be considered a cult member based on a few of the teams I like, if I’m being honest about it. Let’s see what...
13 People Share Scary and Disturbing Historical Facts
You may think you know a lot about history, but today you’re gonna get a lesson in DISTURBING HISTORY. Because a bunch of AskReddit users were nice enough to share dark, disturbing, and scary facts that shed different lights on history… Let’s take a look… 1. Oh, my… “Genghis Khan’s army once defeated an opposing...
25 Teachers And Their Hilarious Classroom Signs
If you don’t know any teachers personally, I feel like you’re definitely missing out. They’re kind of hilarious, they’re great friends, and when they don’t have school the next day, they also really like to party. I don’t know how to convince you other than to show you the hilarious classroom signs these 25 teachers...
18 People Talk Through Their Feelings On The Anti-Work Movement
For the last couple hundred years, human beings have bought into the idea that, in order to live a happy life that contributes to society, you have to spend a large portion of your life working for someone who is not yourself. Of course it’s more than an idea now, since society is built around...
16 Things You Can Ask At A Chain Restaurant But Not Somewhere Fancy
Most of us understand the difference between eating somewhere that has a dress code and only sells wine by the bottle and stopping by the local Chili’s on a Tuesday night, right? There are rules, and for the most part, society tends to follow them. If you’re wondering, though, there are some things that are...
18 Teachers Recall The Worst Thing They Confiscated From A Student
I know more than my fair share of teachers, and I can tell you one thing for sure – they would rather be spending their time teaching and helping kids than taking things away from them. That said, kids will be kids and they will try to get away with what they can and push...
Did This Coworker Go Too Far In Blackballing An Associate?
When you work in an office environment it can be hard to know when to involve HR and when to mind your own business, but I think most of us can agree that if someone makes you repeatedly uncomfortable, that’s a sign. And that goes double if you have asked them to please stop and...