What Rational Sentence Could You Say Today That Would Sound Insane 20 Years Ago? People Responded.
It’s pretty crazy to think about all the ways the world and the United States have changed dramatically in the last 20 years. Things we never could have imagined are now pretty commonplace…some of them good and some of them really, really bad. People on AskReddit talked about rational sentences they could say today that...
12 People Share Who They Think Are the Most Overrated People in History
History, as they say, is written by the winner… So there’s bound to be some historical figures who have been fawned over and praised even though they really weren’t all that impressive when you delve into the details. Well, that stops today! People on AskReddit shared who they think are the most overrated people in...
Who’s the Most Overrated Person in History? People Shared Their Thoughts.
We hear a lot about the UNDERRATED people in history, but today we’re gonna take a different approach. We’re gonna hear about the historical figures that people think really weren’t all that great. Who do you think is the most overrated person in history? Here’s what AskReddit users had to say. 1. Amateur hour. “Jack...
13 People Share What They Think the World Would Be Better Off Without
Well, this promises to be a pretty interesting conversation… Because you and I both know how worked-up folks get about things they DON’T like. In fact, I’d venture to say that they’re more passionate about the stuff they can’t stand than about the stuff they like. And we’re gonna hear a bunch of random people...
Boss Tells Employee to Choose Between Being Demoted or Being Fired?
Anyone who has ever been the boss at work can tell you that it’s no walk in the park. I’m sure some people trip off the power of the situation, but for most of us, managing other people comes with many stresses and lots of opportunities to learn and do better. This person owns a...
What Would the World Be Better off Without? Here’s What People Said.
I can think of quite a few things that the world doesn’t ever need to see or experience ever again…but today I’m going to keep all that to myself because we’re going to hear from a bunch of folks online who are ready to sound off about this topic. Are y’all ready for this? What...
What Terrible Products Are Huge Sellers? Here’s What People Said.
It’s amazing what kinds of products are successful and which ones flop. And I think all of us can admit that some products that are less-than-stellar kind of suck. And today we’re gonna hear about a bunch of them! What terrible products are huge sellers? AskReddit users shared their thoughts. 1. So bad. “Sh**ty pencils....
Which Video Game Franchise Should Be Revived? Here’s What People Said.
I haven’t played video games for quite a long time but I remember my glory days when I played a ton of Nintendo as a kid… And I miss a lot of those games! I’m talking about Contra, Excitebike, Kung Fu, Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out, etc. What video game franchise needs to be revived? Folks on AskReddit shared...