
World Culture

Is Our Culture Becoming Unhealthy Because People Identify With Labels to Justify Their Actions? Here’s What People Had to Say.

It seems like everything has a label these days. And I do mean EVERYTHING, folks. But is that a good thing? Or is it backfiring on us? Is our culture becoming unhealthy because people identify with labels to justify their actions? Let’s take a look at what AskReddit users had to say about this. 1....

Is There No Kid-Friendly Infrastructure Outside Anymore? People Shared Their Thoughts.

What about the children?!?! Well, right now I’m specifically talking about what kids can and can’t do when they go outside these days. Are all the good times gone? Perhaps… A person argued on AskReddit that adults shouldn’t complain about kids not playing outside these days because there’s no kid-friendly infrastructure. Let’s see how other...

This Person Thinks Watered-Down Mayonnaise Is Better Than Milk in Hot Chocolate. People Responded.

Okay, this is just disgusting… There, I said it. Watered-down mayo in hot chocolate? Are you sh**ting me?!?! I think I’m gonna be sick… A person on AskReddit thinks that watered-down mayonnaise is better than milk in hot chocolate… Here’s how other readers reacted. 1. Yes, you’re disgusting. “Call me disgusting but hear me out,...

Should People Who Catch Balls at Games and Don’t Give Them to Kids Be Shamed? People Responded.

Hmmmm, this is a tricky one… On one hand, I can totally understand the logic behind always giving a ball away to a kid seated near you if you’re lucky enough to catch one. On the other hand, some people go their whole lives being die-hard fans and always waiting for their moment in the...

If Minors Can’t Vote but Still Get Taxed, Isn’t That Taxation Without Representation? People Shared Their Thoughts.

I’ve often thought about this question myself… If minors can’t vote but they still get taxed, isn’t that taxation without representation? And I bet you have, too! Let’s see what AskReddit users had to say about this so we can finally get some clarity on this issue. 1. The theory. “The theory is that their...

Have Celebrities Become More Irrelevant Lately? Here’s What People Said.

Well, this is a hot take… But maybe this person is on to something… Has the worldwide pandemic that we’ve been living through the past year-and-a-half kept celebrities off our radar more? And as a result, people just don’t pay attention to them as much anymore? Hmmm… People on AskReddit debated whether celebrities have become...

What Are You Always Willing to Pay More For? Here’s What People Said.

It doesn’t cost much more to go First Class. Have you ever heard that saying before? There are some things that you just gotta dish out a little extra cash for…mine happens to be hot sauce…is that weird? What will you always pay extra for? AskReddit users shared their thoughts. 1. Gotta do it. “Motorcycle...

17 People Share What They Most Associate With Mexico

Wherever you’re from, you likely think about it differently than people who aren’t from there tend to think about it – you know it intimately, while visitors often have a different experience, or one that’s meant for tourists or just people with outside eyes. Someone asked Redditors what they associate with Mexico, and these 17...