

Postal Employees Discuss the Craziness That Is Their Jobs Right Now

No doubt about it, the United States Postal Service would be a very interesting and a very hectic place to work right now. The USPS has been under scrutiny this year by certain politicians and things are only going to get more insane as we near the election in November. Whatever side of the fence...

What Are Some Jobs Where You Can’t Make a Mistake? Here’s What People Said.

Don’t blow it! I’ve definitely heard that before when I’ve been working, but it’s never been anything so important that an error would result in a huge accident…or death… But some jobs really are like that! What are some jobs where you absolutely can’t make a mistake? Let’s take a look at what folks on...

People Talk About Jobs Where You Absolutely Can’t Make a Mistake

I take my hats off to the following folks: doctors, surgeons, nurses, pilots, truck drivers, scientists…any many more. Why? Because they have incredibly important jobs where people literally depend on them to keep them safe and alive. And, when you think about it, there are a lot of jobs out there where the person really...

12 Issues From Third World Countries That People From First World Countries Can’t Comprehend

Sometimes we get so caught up in our own lives, we can lose sight of the bigger picture. If you’ve only ever lived or spent time in a first world country, you might not understand just how different life can be in a third world country. AskReddit users offered their real life experiences living in...

People Discuss What Is Common in Their Country but Rare in Others

Traveling is one of the greatest joys in life. One of my favorite things is sitting at an outdoor cafe in another country, enjoying a cup of coffee or a beer, and having absolutely no idea what anyone around me is talking about because they’re speaking another language. Some people might find that intimidating or...

What Widely Accepted Fact Do You Know Is Wrong? Here’s What People Said.

People have very strong beliefs about all kinds of things in life: religion, politics, the environment, etc. And sometimes their beliefs are so strong and unwavering that people don’t believe facts that are widely accepted by the general public. I guess that this can be both good and bad, depending on how you look at...

14 People Talk About What’s Common in Their Country but Rare in Other Parts of the World

Doesn’t traveling to a foreign country sound incredible right about now? Because of this seemingly never-ending pandemic we’re going through, it looks like it might be a while before we can venture to another part of the world…but I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it happens sooner than later. Because traveling exposes us to different...

14 People Share Widely Accepted Facts That They Think Are Plain Wrong

I am so sick and tired of hearing the term “Fake News” yelled out when someone doesn’t agree with something these days. Yes, I understand that there actually is fake news out there, but this term (and mindset) has been adopted by so many Americans now that it’s actually very dangerous. Even if something doesn’t...