
Pokémon GO Buddy System Coming!

The show always had underlying themes of caring for them, loving them, and treating them as equals. In Pokémon GO, it seems like you just abduct a gazillion Pokémon from their natural habitat then ship them off to the grinder to turn them into one measly candy.

SOURCE: imgur

SOURCE: imgur

Many people complained that the starter Pokémon in the game were completely useless, as they are super low CP and you never find other Squirtle, Bulbasuar, or Charmander candy quick enough to level them up. Well now you can choose your starter as your buddy and they will grow with you! Pair this buddy system with the new appraisal system and you can find an amazingly powered, cuddly Pokémon to follow you around for miles, and really feel a connection with!

Photo Credit: Giphy

Photo Credit: Giphy

With players leaving the game in droves, this update could be a great way to bring a few players back, but also to keep the current user base happy. I can’t wait to put that Squirtle on my shoulders and start the journey towards a perfect IV Blastoise!

Are you excited about this update? What Pokémon will you choose as your buddy?

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