
Posts by Jean M. Ward

These 12 People Reveal Their Traumatic Experience with Night Terrors

Nightmares are never fun, but night terrors–characterized by inconsolable screaming and thrashing–can actually start to negatively impact your life. Sometimes people have no idea why their brain gives them night terrors. Others tie it back to trauma they have suffered in the past. Whatever the reason, it can be embarrassing and take a toll on...

11 Adults Confess Their Shame about Night Terrors

I have a lot of weird, and generally unpleasant dreams. When I was little, they called them night terrors, although what I have now is not on the level of what most people describe as night terrors. No matter the intensity though, no one wants to wake up screaming and gasping for breath. Even though...

The True Story of Why NORAD Started Tracking Santa During the Cold War

We all know about the NORAD Santa Tracker, but did you know that NORAD didn’t originally intend to get involved? A Tumblr thread recently broke down the little-known story, which was previously recorded as a part of NPR’s StoryCorps. It all started in 1955 with an enterprising Sears store in Colorado Springs, Colorado. As part...

People Share the Reasons They Leave Their Engagement Rings at Home

We’ve all been there. Your ring is too loose, too tight, too… something. Or maybe it just doesn’t match your other jewelry. Here are some of the ten crazy reasons why women choose to leave the bling behind. 1. Sometimes you just forget But honestly, watch out if you do! You might start to regret...

15 Things People are Sick of Explaining

Life is hard enough without being asked to repeat yourself time and again. Especially when it’s because people can’t mind their own business. From work, to health, to life, how many times have you found yourself sick and tired of explaining these same 15 things to other people? Let’s take a look! 1. The truth...

People Are Surprised After Learning Bleeding On Birth Control Isn’t Really A Period

People who menstruate are intimately familiar with the periodic bleeding that begins in adolescence and continues for what feels like all of eternity. Many of us spend most of our adult lives on hormonal contraceptives, whether for preventing unwanted pregnancy or for a host of other reasons, like easing severe premenstrual symptoms and improving acne....

Girl Wants to Know if She’s the A-Hole for Resisting Adoption

Family dynamics are hard, especially when you’re a teenager. But when you’ve lost someone close to you, or you live in a blended family, there really are no clear cut answers in life, as shown in this recent AITA conversation. AITA for not going along with being adopted to make everyone happy? I hate to...